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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 10:34



热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 20:00

1、《My day》

My day is a busy day , In the morning , First I get up at 6:30 ,then I est breskfast at 6:50 , I do morning exercises at 7:00 . Next , I play the piano at 8:00 . In the noon , I usually eat lunch at 12:30 noon . In the afternoon , I usually dohomework at 1:30 , Sometimes I go shopping , Sometimes I climb mountains.

In the evening , I usually eat dinner at 7:15 . then I often watch videos at 8:30 . I go to bed at 9:30 in the evening .

This is my day , My day is very busy !

2、《My weekend》

 I always have a busy weekend.

On Saturday morning, I usually eat some breakfast, and then I do lots of homework. When I finish the homework, I often watch TV. On Saturday afternoon, I go to the supermarket .I can buy many things. On Saturday night, I often play computer games.

On Sunday morning, I usually go to the park to walk the dog. On Sunday afternoon, I always play basketball with my best friends. On Sunday evening, I usually watch TV; sometimes I read an interesting comic book.

This is my busy weekend!

3、《My favourite season》

There are four seasons in a year. Autumn is my favourite season. In autumn, the weather in my city is usually windy and cool.

I always fly kite with my friend. sometimes, I go hiking, too. wind comes, I love to watch the leaves fall. Everywhere is golden in autumn. It' so beautiful. I love autumn very much. Is autumn also your favourite season?

4、《My birthday》

Today is my nineth birthday.my mother and my grandma buy a big cake for me.when i get home,i see a cake on the table. 

there are nine candles on it and there is a present next to the cake.i ask my mother and my grandmother:"what's it?"they say:"can you guess?"

"yes,i can.is it a toy-car?""no.it's not."my mum says."is it a cap?""no,it's not.""is it a scarf?""yes,it is.you're so clever.

"i open it.hmm!there is a letter under the scarf.write :the weather is getting cold,please wear this scarf ,don't have the flu.""thanks mum and grandma.i love you very much!"

5、《Busy time》

I always get up early in the morning.I usually have my breakfast at half past six.I leave home half an hour later. I'm never late for school.There are many classes in the morning.

At a quarter past twelveI have lunch. SometimesI'm not so busy in the afternoon.After school I have dinner with my family. 

After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax. Although this is a busy day but I feel full and satisfied.

6、《At the zoo》

today is saturday.i and my friends were at the zoo.we saw the butterflies flew higher than the bees.

the monkeys skated better than the bears.but we liked the bears better than the monkeys , they were funny. and we saw the fish swam faster than the cks.i can swim faster than the fish.ha , ha.

7、《A field trip》

Hello! My name is Leo. I’m a boy. Today is Monday. It’s a sunny day. My classmates and I are in the forest. We are going on a field trip. Chen Jie is catching butterflies. 

Wu Yifan is picking up leaves. Mike is watching insects. Sarah is doing an experiment. Zhang Peng is taking pictures. Li Jingtao and I are playing chess. We are having a good time!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 20:00

My favourite season
My favourite season is winter. In winter, I can make snowmen with my friends. I also can have a snowball fight with my friends.Spring Festival is in winter and i can get my pocket money .

热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 20:01

Thers was a basketball match held on the playground yesterday. There were two teams, red team and blue team. Although the red was weaker than the blue team, but i still like it because the members in red team were always struggling for the match, they never give up! I have learnt that we need always try our best no matter in match or daily life.
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