发布时间:2022-04-28 10:37
时间:2023-09-27 17:29
(1) 单纯RE 产品比手机、讲机、线鼠标、线键盘、车载遥控器等;
(2) 单纯TTE 产品比绳电、线Modem 等;
(3) 既RE 产品、TTE 产品比绳电、线Modem 等
R&TTE 基本要求
根据R&TTE 指令(1999-5-EC)Article 3基本要求(Essential Requirements):
1. The following essential requirements are applicable to all apparatus:(要求使用所
R&TTE 产品)
(a) the protection of the health and the safety of the user and any other person, including the
objectives with respect to safety requirements contained in Directive 73-23-EEC, but with no
voltage limit applying ;用户其健康(比手机SRA 要求EN50360)安全(比
手机安规要求EN60950-1)保护设计73-23-EEC 指令LVD 指令没电压极限要求
(b) the protection requirements with respect to electromagnetic compatibility contained in
Directive 89-336-EEC; 要适合EMC 指令要求(比手机EN301489-7)
2. In addition, radio equipment shall be so constructed that it effective uses the spectrum allocated
to terrestrial-space radio communication and orbital resources so as to avoid harmful interference;
另外避免频谱害干扰线装置设备应效使用配陆-空间线通讯频谱(比手机RF 要求EN301511)(注:其没电压极限要求 说涉及RF 部 管电压低都需要进行LVD测试)
申请RTTE所需提供资料: 1. 案申请表、申请商联系资料(我司提供格式由申请商填写并签字盖章)2. Technical Specification (技术参数), 包括内容: A. Frequency:要注明频率范围或详细频点 B. Molation:工作模式或调制式 C. Antenna Specification:外置线产品(讲机)要给线参数(Antenna Gain) D. Output Power输功率 3. User Manual(说明书) 4. Schematics (电路原理图) A. 线路图:要标明元器件参数要标线 5. PCB板图 6. Bill of Material(BOM元器件清单) 7. Block Diagram (框图) 要线并标频率 8. Circuit Description(线路描述) 电路图-原理文字式描述