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有关于坚持的小故事,中英文对译, 急!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 11:25



热心网友 时间:2022-04-23 07:43

1、Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, did not like reading when he was young. One day, while the teacher was not in the room, he slipped out to play. 

He came to the riverside under the hill and saw a wife grinding a pestle on a stone. Li Bai was very puzzled. 

He went up and asked, "My wife, what are you doing grinding the pestle?" The wife said, "I'm grinding the needle."

Li Bai asked in surprise, "Ouch! How can a pestle be ground into a needle when it is so thick?"

Said the old lady with a laugh,"As long as it is ground every day, the pestle can be ground finer and finer. Are you afraid that it will not be ground into a needle?"

When Li Bai heard this, he thought of himself and felt ashamed. He turned and ran back to the library. 

From then on, he kept in mind the principle of "as long as the work is deep, the iron pestle grinds into a needle" and became a great poet at last, and was called "Poetry Immortal".




2、Dickens, a famous British writer, usually pays great attention to observing and experiencing life. 

Whether it's windy or rainy, he insists on going to the streets every day to observe and listen attentively. He keeps a record of people's small words and accumulates rich means of life.

In this way, he wrote a brilliant description of dialogue in David Copperfield and left a vivid description of social background in The Tales of Two Cities.

thus becoming a British literary giant and achieving great success in his literary career.



3、Edison had spent ten years developing batteries, ring which he had suffered repeated failures. 

After about 50,000 experiments, Edison finally succeeded in inventing batteries and was given the title of "King of Invention".

中文翻译:爱迪生曾花了整整十年去研制蓄电池,其间不 断遭受失败的他一直咬牙坚持,经过了五万次左右的试验,终于取得成功,发明了蓄电池, 被人们授与“发明大王”的美称。

4、Bao Zheng Bao Qingtian was intelligent, diligent and inquisitive, especially fond of reasoning and judging cases. His father had close contacts with Zhixian County. 

Bao Zheng had learned a lot of knowledge about judging cases from his childhood. 

Especially in the case of burning temples and killing monks, Bao Zheng disguised himself as King of Yan after he stripped cocoons and drew silk from the scene and found out the suspects. 

To clarify the facts and assist Zhixian in arresting the murderers and eliminating harm for the people. 

He worked hard to learn the knowledge of law and punishment, and laid a solid knowledge foundation for judging cases and defending people's grievances when he grew up.



5、Xuan Zang left Chang'an in August of the third year of Zhenguan, and traveled thousands of miles westward to take sutras. 

He finally arrived in India. It lasted seventeen years.

He wrote The Book of Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty, which made great contributions to Buddhism, human progress and world civilization.


热心网友 时间:2022-04-23 09:01


俞敏洪:要有一个奋勇拼搏的人生 ,三年高考最终考上北大






4. 再试一次——什么东西比石头还硬,或比水还软?然而软水却穿透了硬石,坚持不懈而已.有个年轻人去微软公司应聘,而该公司并没有刊登过招聘广告.见总经理疑惑不解,年轻人用不太娴熟的英语解释说自己是碰巧路过这里,就贸然进来了.总经理感觉很新鲜,破例让他一试.面试的结果出人意料,年轻人表现糟糕.他对总经理的解释是事先没有准备,总经理以为他不过是找个托词下台阶,就随口应道:"等你准备好了再来试吧".一周后,年轻人再次走进微软公司的大门,这次他依然没有成功.但比起第一次,他的表现要好得多.而总经理给他的回答仍然同上次一样:"等你准备好了再来试."就这样,这个青年先后5次踏进微软公司的大门,最终被公司录用,成为公司的重点培养对象.



Yu Minhong: there should be a struggle for life, three year college entrance examination finally admitted to Peking University
2 the king Robert Bruce of Scotland, six times by the invasion of the enemy is defeated, lost confidence. On a rainy day, he was lying in the cottage, he saw a spider in the web. Spider wanted to put a wire wrapped to the opposite wall, six times without success, but after seventh attempts, finally achieve the purpose. Robert jumped up excitedly, cried: "I also want to seventh times!" he organized forces, against intruders, finally drove the enemy out of Scotland.
3 Wang Xi from seven years old start practicing calligraphy, dozens of years as one day, hard word, never discontinuous. He sometimes walk on the road, sitting in a chair, but also try to figure out the masters of calligraphy, fingers kept practicing calligraphy on the clothes, for a long time, even his clothes were ripped. Because of this, he was the practice of "penetrating" style of writing, Bibi vigorous, every Dragon, an epoch-making calligrapher.
4 the famous geographer Xu Xiake, who traveled between water varies. In the examination of the way, encounter robber robbed the highwayman, clothing, bodily injury, "life and death in West Mountain, looking without a companion and difficult" despair, he is not discouraged, not back, unremittingly, before continuing
5 Li Shizhen to prepare medicine masterpiece, therefore he tramp over mountains and through ravines, visit the doctor, to all over the country to gather medicinal herbs. Met him ring all kinds of obstacles, but he is not afraid of hardship, not afraid of involvement, twenty-seven years be consistent from beginning to end, finally written book "compendium of Materia Medica" pharmacy. Enter, finally into "the travels of Xu Xiake".
6 Curie couples continue to study, the discovery of radium. Just then, Mrs. Curie's husband died in a car accident, but she was not depressed for too long, and started the experiment, finally extracted from several tons of uranium in the pure radium with the most primitive means, the chemical instry recognized 1
4 try again -- something harder than stone, or soft than water? Yet soft water has penetrated the hard rock, unremittingly. Have recruited young people to Microsoft Corp, and the company has not published the recruitment advertisement. See the general manager puzzled, young people with less skilled English interpretation said he was happened to pass by here, they rushed in. The general manager felt very fresh, give him a try. The interview results beyond all expectations, poor performance of young people. His explanation of the general manager is no prior preparation, general manager that he is just an excuse to find the next step, casually said: " when you're ready to try again. ". A week later, the young man once again into the Microsoft Corp's front door, this time he still did not succeed. But compared to the first time, his performance is much better. The general manager gave his answer is still the same last a kind: " when you're ready to try again on." so, the youth has 5 times into the Microsoft Corp's door, and ultimately hired by the company, the company's focus on training targets.


热心网友 时间:2022-04-23 10:36

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