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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 11:57



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 20:47

Two, attain personal execution and organization execution to combine together
Some business enterprises on the concept of execution, emphasize a personal performance ability's function for organization very much, in fact are more easy to request and judgment of personal execution, organization way and results which need to observe him to work all right.Is exactly this because of, a lot of private enterprises value personal execution very much, but neglect a built-up execution, always feel performance not the dint is personal reason.Be like a parts of private enterprise house, feel an own business enterprise don't go in the execution, invite a few occupation agents to solve problem for the high pay, who is still an old appearance after thinking for a few months, be don't know the problem is over there.In fact easy, conct and actions is an occupation agent, his personal performance ability is very strong, but don't forget, he still carries out his mission in the organization, if the whole execution for organizing is lowly, so occupation agent personal execution again high again have what use?
Business enterprise's request toward the execution of organization and personal execution, all come from the decomposition of[with] the business enterprise strategic target, among them for organize of the execution requested containment:Perfect business enterprise organization structure of design, establishment process and standard, usage process of the performance tool, establishment organize executive dialogue terrace and use of language, exaltation leader of leadership dint and execution etc..Therefore, the execution started to build up efficiently, strengthen organize execution and personal execution are synchronous.
Three, the communication is a foundation
A lot of business enterprises at see 《performance-how complete the knowledge of mission 》after, all hope own a very perfect performance system, but in the concrete implement process, but the detection always have so so of problem, among them most for severity of had a problem governor will shirk responsibility, especially some problems which across a section, hardly realizing is communicate a mechanism wrong.The executive process is also the process of[with] communication, building up a set of good communication system, can promise a business enterprise all strategic policy to be sliced a solid performance, pass a communication to insure the problem that the performance team can find out a business enterprise, and give a performance team to slice an actually valid method to find out the answer of[with] problem, thus real attain a wrong person to the matter.If a business enterprise can start to build up a set of good communication system, plusing to meet the performance tool of[with] demand of the business enterprise development, can create a management dialogue for unifying terrace, let the performance problem that its employee presses united way to handle to appear in the work, carry on a communication with the united language, attain "the performance unify"

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 20:48

ef英语哪个好 EF英孚英语培训怎么样? 英孚英语好不好 EF英孚教育到底好不好 大佬们,麦芒7和荣耀10那个值得入手?2500以下的机子还有啥好推荐的么... 介绍几款2500元以前的手机 像素一定要高 其他的不做要求 近期想入手一部安卓手机,价格2200到2500左右…买HTC desire Z还是 三星... 笔记本忘记开机密码怎么办急死了 笔记本电脑屏幕开机锁忘记密码 怎么办?急死了 华硕笔记本电脑开机密码忘记了怎样找回?系统是Windows 7旗舰版... oppo手机屏幕自动跳 矛盾选自《》成语一一就出自该文;该成语的意思是什么 《礼记·礼运》记载:“天子有田以处其子孙,诸侯有国以处其子孙,大夫有采以处其子孙,是谓制度”,该文 该文从4个方面分析王俊凯为什么成为90后十大影响力榜首 oppo手机老是自动跳屏 翻译一下该文 该文是不是出自《荀子 王制》,该如何翻译? 求该文的详细翻译 论文的摘要中可不可以出现该文的字样 翻译该文! 有创意的自我介绍 我叫阳月,帮我想一个有创意又幽默的自我介绍? 连淮伟自我介绍摊煎饼,青你3的训练生有哪些新颖的自我介绍方式? 如何有创意的自我介绍 一个幽默自我介绍 vivoz5和华为畅亨9plus是6+128,哪个处理器好? 老黄历查询1979年7月18日出生2014年9月属羊提车吉日 老黄历提车吉日2021 求大工12秋《电力系统继电保护实验》实验报告完整填写版 中间继电器的触头能承载12安电流吗? oppo手机音量键自己跳怎么办 徐中行,台州临海人。该文翻译 oppo手机自动跳广告怎么关闭 该文的作者是谁? 93年第1期的《读书》发表了《躲避崇高》一文,该文的作者是? oppo手机里自带的Breeno功能为什么会自动跳出来?真的很讨厌很讨厌! 以上文字出自鲁迅《朝花夕拾》中的什么一文,该文的主要内容是 巴金文章《星》 该文以‘星’为题目有什么深刻含义 《十六年前的回忆》的主人公是()。该文开头与结尾的关系是(),其作用是()。 陈独秀在《敬告青年》一文中提出:“国人而欲脱蒙昧时代……当以科学与*并重。”该文应发表于( ) 先天下之忧而忧 后天下之乐而乐是--中的名句,与该文一样,此句在该文中起了-的作用 万年历中1955年农历8月26日是阳历几月几日? 1955年农历3月11日,公历是几月几日 农历1955年正月十五是阳历年几月几号 我是1955年出生农历11月初三,新历到底几月几日? 中秋节是农历八月十五,阳历九月十三日成为中 ATTEN APS3005S 0 农历1955年 14号是阳历几月几号? 安泰信 APS3005SI毫安四位显示30V5A直流稳压电源电压只能调到18V怎么修? 55年农历8月2日是啥星座阳历是几月几号