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如何如何面对挑战 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 23:40



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 14:19

如何面对挑战英语作文:When I grow up, I have more and more challenges to myself, but less and less courage to face challenges.He who knows himself is English, and he who wins himself is male.

This sentence is true. The people who really understand themselves are really intelligent people, and the people who can constantly challenge themselves and overcome themselves are heroes among people.

Comfortable environment. I'm used to taking photos, reading articles and watching videos every day. But I also have things I've been running away from because of fear.

I was afraid to know that my tennis level was lower than many people, so I avoided playing the game.

I was afraid to know that my English writing and speaking were really backward, so I avoided leaving the template for practice. These are small things, but they are cowardly and short-sighted.

He who knows himself is English, and he who wins himself is male. Do not often experience some small challenges, how to face the big challenges in the future; If you don't often hone yourself, how can you grow into a powerful person.

Therefore, if you want to grow, you can't be cowardly, you can't retreat, you should be brave, you should grasp the overall situation, and you can't stop because of small cowardice.




热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 14:19

School is a huge stress to everyone, and I want to tell you out there it’s not that difficult if you just focus. Sure essays and tests are always lingering and I realize there’s an incredible amount of other distractions within school, but if you’re willing to put in the time and effort you can get an incredible amount of confidence and that will relive even more of the stress in your life. It’s like a giant domino effect, one good deed or action can lead to an endless amount of others. Sometimes you feel like you can’t do it all yourself and that’s where others come into play, while you may feel alone there is always someone that loves you and wants to help you succeed or do what you want in life.

Dealing with personal problems is also stressful. Your parents could be in a time of disagreement, you’re being bullied, the gender you like isn’t seen as “normal”, or you and your best friend are looking through different glasses, there will always be greener pastures and new friends or even sometimes new parents will appear. You can’t let those types of things get you down as you never know who or what you will begin to love and cherish. Everything gets better even when it seems like your world is crumbling.

When those guns, pills, or knives stare at you and tempt your fate in life, you must always remember what is killing yourself going to help? Challenges may be everywhere but people love you and will spiral into exactly what you felt if you’re gone. Before you or someone else takes their life, let yourself or them know you only live once, as cheesy as it is and overused it has now become its incredibly true. Make your life something special instead of moping around that things aren’t quite going the way you planned, get back on your horse and make things happen.
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