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关于寒假生活的英语作文用be going to形式

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 23:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 14:07

Hello, my name is Mike. Winter vacation is coming. First , I'm going to visit my grandparents. I'm going to stay with them for days. Then I'am going to the Germany take a trip. I'm going to play for a week and come back. I want to shop there and buy a lot of things.last, I want to have a happy new year with my family! I want to have a perfect winter vacation.
你好,我叫迈克。马上放寒假了 。首先,我要去看望我的祖父母。我要陪他们几天 然后我要去德国旅行。我要去玩一个星期再回来。我想去那里购物,买很多东西。最后,我想和我的家人过一个快乐的新年!我想有一个完美的寒假

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 14:08

winter holiday is coming.So what I am going to do?I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day.And first I am going to finish my homework .In addition,I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days.And after we are getting there,we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park.That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited.How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?
用be going to怎么写寒假计划?

1. 用be going to写一篇寒假计划的英语作文 六句话的 答案是:During this winter vacation ,I am going to take more exercise to keep healthy ,such as going skating , playing with snow ,then I am going to do my homework carefully and read some good books ,I am going to vis...

寒假度假的英语作文 要用到be going to和will 有汉文翻译

my summer vacation.The summer vacation is coming. I will do my homework first so I am going to do my homework every morning. In the afternoon, I will play basketball and table tennis with my friends. In the evening I will read English and listen to English program. Sometimes ...

介绍我的寒假用be going to加动词形式写一篇英语小作文?

What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?

英语作文,,,关于我的假期计划,,,用be going to 的句型,60字左右

During zhe summer vacation.i am going to beidaihe . I am going to take a train there . I am going to stay in a hotel quite near the sea. I aiso going to swimming and piaying with sand and at night i sit...

begoingto+动原结构my new year plan 英语作文

begoingto+动原结构my new year plan 英语作文:New year is coming,there are many things what i want to do in those days.First of all,i am going to vist my grandparents with my family.Nextly,i am going to take part in a classmate party,most of time i am going to finish ...

一篇英语作文,急--- 关于 my holiday plan 要有翻译啊,谢啦【60字以 ...

写计划要用一般将来时,结构是: be going to do, will do The summer vacation is coming. We will have a two-month holiday. I am going to relax myself. I will visit my granparents and spend two weeks with them. I am going to help my grandparents with the housework. Of ...

my holiday 英语作文带翻译be going to

holiday I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things.I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food.Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy....

英语作文春节将进,春节期间你计划做些什么(用be going to写出至少...

to help my mom.I'm going to see movie.I'm going to have a trip.I'm going to see my grandparents.I'm going to watch a film.I'm going to attend a meeting I'm going to take part in a party I'm going to meet my former teachers.be glad to answer your questions....

英语作文:My spring festival plan。以be going to的形式写(带翻译)

Spring is coming! Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.First, I will finish my homework. Then, my parents and I are going to prepare for the Spring Festival, we are going to go shopping, we are going to make dumpling.we will have a very happy New Year....

一个人的日常生活英语作文用be going to 单三

The summer vacation is coming. I am going to have a good rest. Then I will finish doing my homework as quickly as possible. I am going to hellp my parents with the housework. Of course my parents will take me to the beach because we all like swimming in the sea and ...

用begoingto写英语作文 going online英语作文 my weekend英语作文 my hobby英语作文 英语作文《我的一周》 我的周末英语作文带翻译 我的星期天英语作文 英语作文我的家庭 你打算去哪里的英语作文
电脑开机时怎么进入安全模式 广东医学院大一新生宿舍怎么样,是不是都是学校分配,不能自己选择_百度... 2012高考理科 考到545 想知道怎么填志愿 我的分数545可以报广东医学院边d专业?我系广东考生 高考排名。高考报志愿。广东医学院。 今年545分补录广东医学院还有机会吗? 徒步穿什么鞋 夫妻之间感情再不好都不要去互相伤害 平时可以穿登山鞋吗 大学生都爱去哪些网站? 写一篇关于寒假的英语作文? 寒假的英语作文带翻译有哪些? 大学游园会横幅标语 学校民族团结条幅标语大全 学校新学期温馨的横幅标语 求高校毕业生欢送横幅标语 学校建党90周年横幅标语 求大学创意迎新横幅标语,来点儿新鲜活泼的,急用谢谢啦 我老公姓何,我姓张,想给孩子取个四个字的名字,还不知道男女,谢谢大家提供 何和张连起来取什么名字好听 起名 夫姓:何 母姓:张 孩子出生于2012.05.03 21时左右 男孩 请高人起名谢谢 何张开头的名字,男儿名,三个字的,求帮助! 张姓和何姓合在一起四个字的名字如何取 取何张两姓的名字 微信转到别人银行卡可以查到他手机号码吗? 用何张两姓取四个字名字怎么取 姓何但是起名字想中间加个张子怎么起名字 能帮我查到微信扫码付款人的手机号吗? 何张女孩怎么取名字? 微信转账有交易单号可查到手机号吗? 关于寒假的英语作文一篇 求两篇关于寒假的英语作文 关于寒假的英语作文120字左右 英语作文关于寒假生活400字 求一个英语作文:关于寒假的 关于寒假的英语作文 80次左右 初一英语作文有关寒假生活60字带翻译 求关于写寒假的的英语作文,高中水平,最好有好的句子和从句,谢谢 关于寒假的事的英语作文50词带翻译 博生拖把都有什么价位的? 父亲判过缓刑对子女报考公务员的影响? 父母被判处有期徒刑缓刑,对子女的政审会有影响吗? 电动拖把价格,一般多少钱 被判缓刑,子女考公务员政审时是否有影响? 普通拖把多少钱一个啊_ 父亲因交通事故被判缓刑对子女考公务员有影响吗? 家用电动拖把价格一般在什么价位的比较好用? 父亲判过缓刑儿子考公安局公务员政审有影吗? 缓刑会影响子女政审吗? 电动拖把多少钱一把?买什么价位的比较合适?