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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 23:47



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 17:36

The Marxism is the complete scientific system, it contains three main constituents: Marxist philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism.These three constituent is not each other separate, they constitute the organic whole which relates mutually.The Marxism is the proletariat knows the world and the transformation world thought weapon.Its main characteristic is the scientific nature and the revolutionary union, the theory and the practice unification.The Marxism took a complete theory system is in the union which practices with the various countries labor movement and the revolutionary struggle develops; Is in develops with in each kind of wrong ideological trend struggle; The new situation to the time development which is in which proposes the new question and appears to carry on in the creative research process to develop unceasingly. After Marx and Engels passed away, their successor continues the Marxism to push to the advance.Lenin unifies the Marxism with the Russian Revolution concrete practice, creatively has developed the Marxism.Established the Marxism imperialism theory.Has developed Marx, Engels about the proletariat revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat theory, has formulated about the establishment new proletariat political party's theory.He summarized the Soviet Russia's experience, proposed the socialist construction basic principle and the guiding ideology.Lenin causes the Marxism to the Marxism development to enter to a new stage - - Leninism stage.In China, take Mao Zedong as representative's Chinese Communists the Marxism elementary theory and the Chinese history, the social practice unified, established the Mao Zedong Thought
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