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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 23:27



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 08:37

Moorhouse Taylor SCOTT HOSTETLER
Hao Zhang American Design Company HZS was founded in 2006, headquartered in Atlanta, the United States of America, the global staff of about 500 people. Hao Zhang for global customers to provide a new landscape instry standards, create top livable environment.
Business partner and chief designer Mr. House Taylor (Scott Hostetler) as the master of Landscape Architecture degree and University of Pennsylvania landscape, landscape design experience with world class, in 20 countries, 100 global city design more than 400 projects, before founding HZS Hao Zhang Si, he designed the Panyu Xinghewan, Beijing Xinghewan, Chongqing Longhu camphor forest the villa and the Hongkong Disneyland Hotel on behalf of the project.
As an architect, is a landscape artist, Mr. House Taylor is a very strong personality, and his works in the choice is always refine on, strive to do the best. Landscape design culture Mingdi by him personally take, all show the French palace garden noble and romantic.
A villa life, only for the top.
Custom "Haute Cou-ture" comes from the French couture, France as the fashion capital of the world, the first company in the world with a "Haute Cou-ture" concept store appeared on the streets in Paris in 1858, when only Chanel Dior, top brands that are eligible to proce customized top fashion.
Cultural Mingdi, by George &HZS Moorhouse Taylor GDG, the two masters love Qing row, from the courtyard to the interior, Series 7 villa works a full range bound for. All are designed according to the layer peak elites lifestyle, family structure, personality taste tailored, 7 unique custom works series, respectively, for the series.
In 2013, his new cultural Mingdi, 55 statues of hardcover villa Di in the top luxury house based on the reproction of France, noble and elegant, luxurious life art, custom personalized lifestyle.
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