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我想用英语翻译下 下面的句子 谢谢大家了 帮帮我吧

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 19:50



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 23:58

Darling, I have ten sentences to tell you.
1.Come on, I will take you home, and tell my mom you are her daughter-in-law.
2.Here you come. I want to walk by your left side.
3.How about to be with me for a whole life time, baby? I can't rest assured to let you go.
4.Let me sing a song for you, listen carefully and you can only nod . "Would you like to be my wife?"
5.Your hands feels frozen. Let me warm you by putting them in my cloth.
6.I won't take you by my side if you got thinner. Come on, eat more~
7.Someday when I can make money, you should stay at home. I don't want anybody to call you.
8.You little lazy pig. have another nice dream. I will go cooking for you.
9.Feel tired? Let me take you home on my back.
10. Don't leave home in such a dark night, tell me what you want, then I send it for you.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 23:58

I want to say 10 words to you,my dear...
1. go, I'll take you home and tell our mother that this is her daughter
2. come here , I used to go to your left.
3. Silly girl ,please stay on my side bar in this life, and I will be worried if I let you go.
4. I will sing a song to you that you should only nod, listening to me. "be my wife, OK?"
5.This is really a pair of deads‘ hands , please stretch into my clothes quickly
6. If you be thiner and thiner that I will lost you , so eat fast !
7. Later I will make money outside , and you only stay at home--To prevent other people always call you
8. lazy. sleep some minutes , I will to cook.
9. tired ? I carry you to home.
10. Not allowed out at night , what you want to call me, I sent you.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 23:59

I want to say 10 words to you ,dear.
1.Go, I'll take you home and tell our mother that her daughter is
2: You came, I used to walk on your left
3: Silly girl you stay in this life on my side bar, let you go I do not worry.
4: I sing to you you can only nod, listening to ah. "My wife, OK?"
5: This is really double your dead staff, quick stretch my clothes Wu Wu.
6: If you thin I do not want you again, and fast to eat fast food.
7: After I make money, you stay at home, save our old people to call you.
8: lazy. And you will sleep, I went to cooking.
9: tired? I carry you home.
10: not allowed out at night so black to go, what you want to call me, I sent you.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 00:00

我不会 但是那个女孩真幸福

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 00:00

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