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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 22:10



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 20:13

We should stop rivers from being polluted.

Favorable environment is very improtant for us, so we must pay attention to it.

Be careful that snake. It's very dangerous.

It's wasteful to throw away shopping bags that can be recycled.

The cars made in Japan are not so good as the ones made in China.

We should buy things that are proced in local places in order to protect the environment.

My bike is broken, and I am going to have it mended tomorrow.

Reading English aloud every day is very helpful to learn it.

9.吸烟有害健康。(除了smoking harm your health还有个什么?)
It's harmful to smoke. Smoking is bad for our health.

We shoukl brush our teeth twice a day in order that the teeth can be long.


1.我们应该组织污染河流。(stop...from)We should stop rivers from being polluted.2.良好的环境对于我们很重要,因此我们必须关注它。Favorable environment is very improtant for us, so we must pay attention to it.3.当心那条蛇,它很危险。Be careful that snake. It's very dangerous.4...


my grandparents, my sister,and I. My father and mother are businessmen. And my grandparents are farmers. I'm a primary school student. My sister is four years old. She is lovely.I love my family.

英语翻译:我们用完了一半的钱(3种) 在线等、快快快快快快快快快

we have used up half of the money.we have spent 50% of our money half of our money has been blown/spent/used up.we have only half of the money left.

翻译英语句子 你打算何时去澳大利亚?我下周三去 在线等 快快快快快快快...

1. When are you going to go to Australia? I am going to on next Wednesday.2. When is Jim going to go to Beijing? He is going to go on the 11th.3. What are they going to do in holidays? They intend to climb the mountain.4. What are you going to do in your holi...


Europe is the origin and the centre of Western culture, so I think I will beneift from studying in this university.(欧洲是西方文化的发源地和中心,我认为在这所大学学习对自己有好处。)I choose this university because of its good reputation and excellent faculty.(我选择这所大学,是...

在线等。 英语翻译。 快快快..

我是学生会会长 School teachers in students Hello everyone, I was student president 2.下面我要告诉大家一个激动人心的好消息 Now I want to tell you an exciting good news 3.我们要为澳大利亚留学生举行一个盛大的晚会 We would like for Australian students to hold a grand party ...




It takes him about half an hour to drive to the bank from his home.


This morning, the sky is cloudless, spring. My friends and I went to the park flying a kite, flying a kite in the park so many people, some is small swallow; some birds; there is I most like the phoenix. The sky was a riot of colours, like a blossoming be riotous ...

...英文翻译 用最简单的 速度要快快快 在线等

As a student,we have to go through many difficult ways.

英语口语英语翻译 英语翻译速度 金山词霸在线翻译英语 英语翻译拍照在线 速度翻译成英文 英语在线口语发音 以的速度英语 英语速度 按时英语翻译
...了富人家的少爷,少爷跟丫鬟私通有了孩子,她被送去了美国_百度... ...Pn=7.5KW,Un=110V,In=79.84A,转速Nn=1500r/min,电枢 ...= 13KW,Un=220V,In = 68.7A,nN=1500r/min,deleta 最大为30%,求串... ?题目 高手来做下哈 ,急,急,急,一台他励直流电动机,Pn=10KW,Un=220V... 为什么要延长研究生的学制呢? 已知P(A)=0.4,P(AB)=P(AC)=0.2,P(ABC)=0.1,求P((B+C)A) 已知A、B独立,P(A)=0.4,P(B)=0.3,求P(AB) 怎么算啊? 奥运会冠军有谁 1, P(A)=0.4 P(AB)=0.2 P(A|B)+P(A非|B非)=1 求P(A并B) 2, 证明若P... 奥运冠军刘焕华个人资料 哪位大哥能告诉我英语关于时态和语句的词语?例如一般疑问句开头用does。最好多一点 急!在线等翻译软件 英语句子成分在线翻译 求英语高手人工翻译两段话,注意时态和语法,不要拿在线翻译糊弄我哦,那都是没时态的 英语句型\转换 英语翻译 我在线翻译为Dialogue ,是一个栏目的名称,不知时态是否用进行时ing? 求英语高手人工翻译两段话,注意时态和语法,别拿在线翻译糊弄我哦,那是没有时态的 求英语翻译,要求无语法无时态错误,不用网上在线翻译 电信数字电视提示系统错误,请切换频道或稍后再试 谁能给我个英语句子翻译工具,是翻译句子的,我不要那些百度在线翻译什么的,那些都是直接对照着翻译的 智能电视显示系统异常正常 是修复部分数据可能会丢失 自从他离开家乡 已有十年了 英语从句翻译 请注意自从的时态 用从句 不要在线翻译器啊 谢谢了 我想要一个有时态选择的在线英语翻译网站 电视显示系统异常,错误代码B300208是怎么回事 电视机上面出现系统错误但是我也不记得密码怎么样打开电视呢? 电视机出现“[1]系统错误”该怎么办 凉皮用什么做才有劲道 十斤面粉做凉皮,洗面要多久? 做凉皮10斤面粉放多少蓬灰 初十为什么吃凉皮? 英语翻译 在线等 急 如何挑选适合自己的塑身衣,让自己的身材更加完美 挑选塑身衣有什么技巧么? 塑身衣面料材质有哪些?如何挑选塑身衣面料? 大家来说说塑身衣怎么选呀?夏季可以穿连体衣吗? 普通话准考证怎么打印? 微信用作证明材料的明细可以删除么? 普通话考试准考证不能打印怎么回事? 普通话考试的准考证怎么打印? 普通话考试准考证在哪里打印 普通话考试的准考证怎么打印啊 怎么样打印普通话测试准考证 普通话成绩如何打印 怎么打印普通话准考证? 普通话考试打印不了准考证 普通话证书是需要自己打印还是要 确定为发展对象 召开座谈会情况总结怎么写 普通话网上报名的准考证怎么打印,是在外面可以打印的地方登陆系统打印吗 用作证明材料账单删除 求普通话考试准考证打印网址