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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 21:34



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 07:22

Origin: 490 B.C., the Greek and the Persian have carried on an intense war in Greece's marathon, finally the Greek has gained the victory. For delivers very quickly the victory news capital - - Athens, sent one to call the Philippines Piji Si the soldier, has run up to Athens from the marathon. When he arrives at Athens was already exhausted, transmits the victory news later then to die. Afterward to commemorate this soldier, in 1896 at the first Olympic Games, held has run up to Athens's competition from the marathon, the winner runs the entire journey by 2 hour 58 minute 50 second time, distance was 40 kilometers 200 meters, they precisely has surveyed this section of distances in 1920, the result 42 kilometers 195 meters, later will take this distance the distance which the official marathon ran, and included all previous years Olympic Games to compete

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 07:22

Origin: 490bc, Greece and persians in Greece for the marathon a fierce war, the greeks won the victory. In order to put the news of victory quickly to the capital Athens, sent a name of Fidel's skin season, from marathon running warriors to Athens. When he arrived at Athens have exhausted, convey the news of victory after he died. Then the soldiers, to commemorate in 1896 the first Olympic Games, held from marathon to Athens games run, the winner in 2 hours of 50 seconds 58 time to finish the race, then distance is 40 kilometers of 200 meters, in 1920, they also measured accurately the distance, 42 kilometers, then put 195 this distance as a formal marathon running distance, and included in the previous games.
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