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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 07:05



热心网友 时间:2023-07-23 13:03

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and dramatist. During the last several years of his life (1788–1805), Schiller struck a proctive, if complicated, friendship with already famous and influential Johann Wolfgang Goethe, with whom he greatly discussed issues concerning aesthetics, encouraging Goethe to finish works he left merely as sketches; this thereby gave way to a period now referred to as Weimar Classicism. They also worked together on Die Xenien (The Xenies), a collection of short but harshly satiric poems in which both Schiller and Goethe verbally attacked those persons they perceived to be enemies of their aesthetic agenda.

Schiller was born in Marbach, Württemberg (located at the river Neckar in southwest Germany, north of Stuttgart, the region of Swabia), as the only son, besides ten sisters, of military doctor Johann Kaspar Schiller (1733-1796), and Elisabeth Dorothea Kodweiß (1732-1802). On 22 February 1790, he married Charlotte von Lengefeld (1766-1826). Four children were born between 1793 and 1804, the sons Karl and Ernst, and the daughters Luise and Emilie. The grandchild of Emilie, Baron Alexander of Gleichen-Rußwurm, died in 1947 at Baden-Baden, Germany, as the last living descendant of Schiller.

His father was away in the Seven Years' War when Friedrich was born. He was named after Frederick II of Prussia (Friedrich is German for Frederick), the king of the country his father was fighting, Prussia, but he was called Fritz by nearly everyone.[1] Caspar Schiller was rarely home at the time, which was hard on the mother, but he did manage to visit the family once in a while and the mother and the children also visited him where he happened to be stationed at the time occasionally.[2] In 1763, the war ended. Schiller's father became a recruiting officer and was stationed in Schwäbisch Gmünd. The family moved with him, of course; but since the cost of living especially the rent soon turned out to be too expensive, the family moved to nearby Lorch, which was at the time still a fairly small village.[3]

Although the family was happy in Lorch, the father found his work unsatisfying. He did, however, take Friedrich Schiller with him occasionally.[4] In Lorch Schiller received his primary ecation, but the schoolmaster was lazy, so the quality of the lessons was fairly bad; therefore, Friedrich regularly cut class with his older sister.[5] Because his parents wanted Schiller to become a pastor himself, they had the pastor of the village instruct the boy in Latin and Greek. The man was a good teacher, which led Schiller to name the cleric in Die Räuber after Pastor Moser. Schiller was excited by the idea of becoming a clericalist and often put on black robes and pretended to preach.[6]

In 1766, the family left Lorch for the Duke's residence town, Ludwigsburg. Schiller's father had not been paid for three years and the family had been living on their savings, but could no longer afford to do so. So Kaspar Schiller had himself relocated to the garrison in Ludwigsburg. The move was not easy for Friedrich, since Lorch had been a warm and comforting home through out his childhood.[7
He came to the attention of Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg. He entered the Karlsschule Stuttgart (an elite, extremely strict, military academy founded by Duke Karl Eugen), in 1773, where he eventually studied medicine. During most of his short life, he suffered from illnesses that he tried to cure himself.

Schiller commemoration in Lincoln Park, ChicagoWhile at the Karlsschule, Schiller read Rousseau and Goethe and discussed Classical ideals with his classmates. At school, he wrote his first play, Die Räuber (The Robbers), which dramatizes the conflict between two aristocratic brothers: the elder, Karl Moor, leads a group of rebellious students into the Bohemian forest where they become Robin Hood-like bandits, while Franz Moor, the younger brother schemes to inherit his father's considerable estate. The play's critique of social corruption and its affirmation of proto-revolutionary republican ideals astounded the original audience, and made Schiller an overnight sensation. Later, Schiller would be made an honorary member of the French Republic because of this play.

In 1780, he obtained a post as regimental doctor in Stuttgart, a job he disliked.

Following the remarkable performance of Die Räuber in Mannheim, in 1781, he was arrested and forbidden by Karl Eugen himself from publishing any further works. He fled Stuttgart, in 1783, coming via Leipzig and Dresden to Weimar, in 1787. In 1789, he was appointed professor of History and Philosophy in Jena, where he wrote only historical works. He returned to Weimar, in 1799, where Goethe convinced him to return to playwriting. He and Goethe founded the Weimar Theater which became the leading theater in Germany, leading to a dramatic renaissance. He remained in Weimar, Saxe-Weimar until his death at 45 from tuberculosis.

Schiller wrote many philosophical papers on ethics and aesthetics. He synthesized the thought of Immanuel Kant with the thought of Karl Leonhard Reinhold. He developed the concept of the Schöne Seele (beautiful soul), a human being whose emotions have been ecated by his reason, so that Pflicht und Neigung (ty and inclination) are no longer in conflict with one another; thus "beauty," for Schiller, is not merely a sensual experience, but a moral one as well: the Good is the Beautiful. His philosophical work was also particularly concerned with the question of human freedom, a preoccupation which also guided his historical researches, such as The Thirty Years War and The Revolt of the Netherlands, and then found its way as well into his dramas (the "Wallenstein" trilogy concerns the Thirty Years War, while "Don Carlos" addresses the revolt of the Netherlands against Spain.) Schiller wrote two important essays on the question of the Sublime (das Erhabene), entitled "Vom Erhabenen" and "Über das Erhabene"; these essays address one aspect of human freedom as the ability to defy one's animal instincts, such as the drive for self-preservation, as in the case of someone who willingly dies for a beautiful idea.

[edit] The dramas
Schiller is considered by most Germans to be Germany's most important classical playwright. Critics like F.J. Lamport and Eric Auerbach have noted his innovative use of dramatic structure and his creation of new forms, such as the melodrama and the bourgeois tragedy. What follows is a brief, chronological description of the plays.

The Robbers (Die Räuber): The language of The Robbers is highly emotional and the depiction of physical violence in the play marks it as a quintessential work of Germany's Romantic 'Storm and Stress' movement. The Robbers is considered by critics like Peter Brooks to be the first European melodrama. The play pits two brothers against each other in alternating scenes, as one quests for money and power, while the other attempts to create a revolutionary anarchy in the Bohemian Forest. The play strongly criticises the hypocrisies of class and religion and the economic inequities of German society; it also concts a complicated inquiry into the nature of evil.
Fiesco (Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua):
Intrigue and Love (Kabale und Liebe): The aristocratic Ferdinand von Walter wishes to marry Luisa Miller, the bourgeois daughter of the city's music instructor. Court politics involving the ke's beautiful but conniving mistress, Lady Milford and Ferdinand's ruthless father create a disastrous situation reminiscent of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Schiller develops his criticisms of absolutism and bourgeois hypocrisy in this bourgeois tragedy. Act 2, Scene 2 is an anti-British parody that depicts a bloody firing-squad masacre, in which young Germans who refused to join the Hessian Army to squash the American Revolutionary Army are fired upon.[10] Giuseppe Verdi's opera Luisa Miller is based on this play.
Don Carlos: This play marks Schiller's entrée into historical drama. Very loosely based on the events surrounding the real Don Carlos of Spain, Schiller's Don Carlos is another republican figure--he attempts to free Flanders from the despotic grip of his father, King Phillip. The Marquis Posa's famous speech to the king proclaims Schiller's belief in personal freedom and democracy.
The Wallenstein Trilogy: These plays follow the fortunes of the treacherous commander Albrecht von Wallenstein ring the Thirty Years' War.
Mary Stuart (Maria Stuart): This "revisionist" history of the Scottish queen who was Elizabeth I's rival makes of Mary Stuart a tragic heroine, misunderstood, and used by ruthless politicians, including and especially, Elizabeth herself.
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热心网友 时间:2023-07-23 13:03

席勒 is born to German Fu Tengbao a chy poor residential family,the father is famous surgeon, latter in the army works as militarydoctor. 14 years old the ke are forced by chy ruler Fu Tengbao toenter the Cull school study law, afterwards only then agreed hestudies the medicine. In this school, the student and the outsideelder isolate, the entire year does not have to egress, also does nothave the holiday, between family background different student eachother strictly prohibits the intercourse, the progressive booksespecially do not have to read. 席勒 is called in this "the slavefosters the institute" in the school to stay for 8 years, the personalexperience and the experience causes this residential familybackground the youth has had the bright antifeudal consciousness,trained him to oppose the despotic tyrant ruled progressive thought.席勒 graated after the school in 1780 in Stuttgart some infantrybrigade worked as the military doctor. He has the sincere experienceto then despotic rule.
The youth 席勒 creation mainly is four plays. These plays "arebrimming with to the entire German society challenge and rebel'sspirit", its characteristic is the language intense, sentimentabundant, the theatrical nature is strong. 席勒 in the youth time,in under the hurricane advance spirit influence, wrote has become thecelebrated work "Robber" and "Plot And Love", established hisopposition feudalism, has striven for free and arouses the creationpath which the nationality awakened.
"Robber" has reflected the young people to the feudal despotic systemrevolt. In "Robber" on the second edition flyleaf, 席勒 has written"overthrows the storm Chou" the slogan, and quotes the ancient Greekfamous doctors to hope the Polk rutter the speech: "The medicinecannot the medicine, to the iron govern it; The iron cannot governing,to the fire govern it." Fights warmly is extremely intense. Engelssaid this dramatic work is "eulogizes chivalrous person's youth whichpublicly declares war to the entire society".
"Plot And Love" were 席勒 the representative works, reflected arethe German resident social class and the feudalism ruling class'scontradiction, in the play the heroine reveal the Iraqi Si'sdisposition to manifest the German progress youth to oppose thefeudalism at that time, the request freedom, the equal thought. Sheshouts "the rank limit all must collapse, social class hateful Pi Kemust burst! The person is the person!" May say is the time aspiration.Engels said this work is "German first has the political orientationthe play".
Later the almost ten years, 席勒 have not been engaged in thecreation, he changes historical and the philosophy research. In thehistorical research, he focuses in the historical development nationalmovement. He is relates the history and the current German societyquestion the inspection. Is precisely this, his afterwards severalhistorical dramas all are meet ancient explain now, carried on thecritique and the complaint to the German society. In the philosophy,席勒 is the conde follower.
His esthetics theory is the idealism. He in own esthetics work"Esthetic ecation Correspondence" center, emphasized transforms thesociety through America's ecation, and has fictionalized the countrywhich rules by esthetics principle. But after he accepts the helpwhich praises, left the idealism philosophy.
席勒 "classicism the time literature creation has not certainlypracticed his esthetics theory in Wei the Masurium". 席勒 the laterperiod has written "a Chinese Roentgen Stan", "the Austria Lyons'sGirl" and "William Draws back You" and so on the important script.
"A Chinese Roentgen Stan" is take the 30's wars as the theme, in theplay a leading character China roentgen Stan is the real historicalpersonage, 席勒 had reflected on his body the nationality unifiesthe request, and had pointed out he is defeated reason.
"The Austria Lyons's Girl" selects material in the England and Francehundred years war France's heroine 贞德 struggle fact. She causesFrance to convert failure into victory, avoid perishes shame of thecountry.
"William Draws back You" to select material from 14 centuriesSwitzerland's heroic fable, displayed the opposition feudalism tyrant,has striven for the free request. These three scripts subjectsignificance all lies in the summon national consciousness, thesummons nationality is unified.
席勒 is in the German classical literature is only inferior to thesecond milestone which praises. This time his one of representativeworks is the historical drama "Tile 伦斯 But". This play is in factin 30 years war German nationality tragedy repeating, 席勒 the meritlay in him to move this nationality's tragedy the artistic stage.
In May, 1805, 席勒 unfortunate passed away, praises for this painextremely: "I have lost 席勒, also has lost my life one half." Afterpraises dies, according to his last words, inters nearby 席勒 theremains.


热心网友 时间:2023-07-23 13:04

Schiller is born in Germany Fu Tengbao a chy poor residential family, the father is famous surgeon, latter in the army works as military doctor. 14 years old are forced by chy ruler Duke Fu Tengbao to enter the Cull School study law, afterward only then agreed that he studies the medicine. In this school, the student and the outside elder isolate, do not go out all year round, also does not have the holiday, between family background different student each other refuses the intercourse, the progressive books cannot read especially. Schiller in this is called “the slave fosters the institute” in the school to stay for 8 years, the personal experience and the experience cause this residential family background the youth has had the bright antifeudal consciousness, trained him to oppose the despotic tyrant ruled progressive thought. Schiller graates after the school in 1780 in Stuttgart some infantry brigade works as military doctor. He has the sincere experience to authoritarian rule then.
The youth Schiller's creation is mainly four plays. These plays “are brimming with to the entire German society challenge and rebel's spirit”, its characteristic is the language is intense, the sentiment is abundant, theatrical. Schiller in the youthful days, under the hurricane advance spirit's influence, has written the signature work "Robber" and "Plot And Love", established his opposition feudalism, to strive for free and arouses the creation path which the nationality awakened.
"Robber" has reflected the young people to the feudal dictatorship system's revolt. In "Robber" on the second edition of flyleaf, Schiller has written “overthrows the storm Chou” the slogan, and the quotation ancient Greece famous doctor hopes the Polk Rutter's words: “the medicine cannot the medicine, govern it by the iron; The iron cannot governing, govern it by the fire.”Fights warmly intense extremely. Engels said that this dramatic work is “eulogizes one chivalrous person's youth who declares war publicly to the entire society”.
"Plot And Love" are Schiller's representative works, what reflected was the German resident social class and the feudalism ruling class's contradiction, in the play the heroine reveals the Iraqi Si's disposition to manifest at that time the German progress youth to oppose the feudalism, the request freedom, the equal thought. She shouts “the rank limit must collapse, the social class hateful skin shell must burst! The human is the human!”May say that is the time aspiration. Engels said that this work is “German first has the political orientation play”.
Later the similar ten years, Schiller has not been engaged in the creation, he changes historical and the philosophy research. In the historical studies, he focuses in the historical development the national movement. He is relates the history and the current German society question the inspection. Is precisely this, his afterward several historical dramas are meet ancient explain now, carried on the critique and the complaint to the German society. In the philosophy, Schiller is Conde's follower.
His esthetic theory is the idealism. He in his esthetics work "Esthetic ecation Correspondence", stressed that transforms the society through US's ecation, and has fictionalized one country which rules by esthetics principle. After but when he accepts the help which praises, left the idealism philosophy.
Schiller “classicism the time literary proction has not practiced his esthetic theory in Wei the Ma”. Schiller has later period written "the Warren Stan", "the Austria Lyons's Girls" and "William • Draws back" and so on important script.
"the Warren Stan" is take the 30's wars as the theme, in the play the leading character Warren Stan was the real historical personage, Schiller had reflected on his body the national unified request, and had pointed out he was defeated reason.
"the Austria Lyons's Girls" select material in a England and France hundred year war France's heroine joan of arc struggle fact. She causes France to convert failure into victory, avoid perishes shame of the country.
"William • Draws back" selects material from 14 century Switzerland's heroic fable, displayed the opposition feudalism tyrant, to strive for the free request. These three script's subject significance lies in the summon national consciousness, the summons nationality is unified.
Schiller is in the German classical literature is only inferior to the second milestone which praises. This time his one of representative works is the historical drama "Tile Rense But". This play in fact was in 30 year war German nation tragedy repeating, Schiller's merit lies in him to move this nationality's tragedy the artistic stage.
in May, 1805, Schiller unfortunate passed away, praises for this reason the pain extremely: “I have lost Schiller, also has lost my life one half.”After praising dies, according to his last words, is interred nearby Schiller's remains.
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