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各位学霸们 我想要一幅和图片一样漂亮的草稿海报画,题目我们可以怎样保持我们学校环境干净。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 18:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 16:57

As a student ,it's our ty to keep our school clean, on one hand ,we should not spit in a publlic place ,on the other hand ,we can't draw on the wall. what's more ,we must not throw rubbish onto the ground , but it is not enough for us to do this ,we need to make a rule about keeping our school clean,if someone doesn't obey it,he or she will be punished.in my oppion,all of us do some cleaning ,do some useful ,I am sure that our school will be clean everyday.追问可以要一张海报图吗?对不起,我要图,谢谢你的细致回答,先采纳,有图发给我更好。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 16:57

As a student ,it's our ty to keep our school clean, on one hand ,we should not spit in a publlic place ,on the other hand ,we can't draw on the wall. what's more ,we must not throw rubbish onto the ground , but it is not enough for us to do this ,we need to make a rule about keeping our school clean,if someone doesn't obey it,he or she will be punished.in my oppion,all of us do some cleaning ,do some useful ,I am sure that our school will be clean everyday.追问可以要一张海报图吗?对不起,我要图,谢谢你的细致回答,先采纳,有图发给我更好。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 16:57

As a student ,it's our ty to keep our school clean, on one hand ,we should not spit in a publlic place ,on the other hand ,we can't draw on the wall. what's more ,we must not throw rubbish onto the ground , but it is not enough for us to do this ,we need to make a rule about keeping our school clean,if someone doesn't obey it,he or she will be punished.in my oppion,all of us do some cleaning ,do some useful ,I am sure that our school will be clean everyday.追问可以要一张海报图吗?对不起,我要图,谢谢你的细致回答,先采纳,有图发给我更好。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 16:57

As a student ,it's our ty to keep our school clean, on one hand ,we should not spit in a publlic place ,on the other hand ,we can't draw on the wall. what's more ,we must not throw rubbish onto the ground , but it is not enough for us to do this ,we need to make a rule about keeping our school clean,if someone doesn't obey it,he or she will be punished.in my oppion,all of us do some cleaning ,do some useful ,I am sure that our school will be clean everyday.追问可以要一张海报图吗?对不起,我要图,谢谢你的细致回答,先采纳,有图发给我更好。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 16:57

As a student ,it's our ty to keep our school clean, on one hand ,we should not spit in a publlic place ,on the other hand ,we can't draw on the wall. what's more ,we must not throw rubbish onto the ground , but it is not enough for us to do this ,we need to make a rule about keeping our school clean,if someone doesn't obey it,he or she will be punished.in my oppion,all of us do some cleaning ,do some useful ,I am sure that our school will be clean everyday.追问可以要一张海报图吗?对不起,我要图,谢谢你的细致回答,先采纳,有图发给我更好。

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