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DX-Ball 2的Game Play:(游戏操作)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 15:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:27

Playing DX-Ball 2 is very simple(简单). Just use the mouse(用鼠标) to move your
paddle back and forth along the bottom of the screen, bouncing theballs back up into the field of bricks to break them. Once they're all broken you'll proceed to the next level. Along the way you can pick up ndom Power-Ups, some of which are good, others are bad,and some may have good aspects and bad aspects.
If you think the game is too hard(如果难),try Kid-Mode (press the F4 key on the Title reen). Don't mind the name, it's fun for grown ups too!
If on the other hand you find the game too easy, try going for a mega high score! You can get four times (4x) as many points while you're using a Tiny Paddle (get a shrink paddle or a super-shrink),a Tiny Ball, and a Fast Ball (grab the Fast Ball power up or justwait a while and avoid Slow Ball like the plague). You don't need all three at once either, one or two will still give you more points than normal.
DX-BALL 2的玩法是非常简单的。只需使用鼠标将你的横板来回移动,将小球弹向砖块,打碎它们。当他们全部被击碎时,你便能进入下一关。在游戏期间,你可以捡到道具,一些将十分有用,还有一些会阻碍游戏的进程,另外,一些道具既有好处也有坏处。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:27

Playing DX-Ball 2 is very simple(简单). Just use the mouse(用鼠标) to move your
paddle back and forth along the bottom of the screen, bouncing theballs back up into the field of bricks to break them. Once they're all broken you'll proceed to the next level. Along the way you can pick up ndom Power-Ups, some of which are good, others are bad,and some may have good aspects and bad aspects.
If you think the game is too hard(如果难),try Kid-Mode (press the F4 key on the Title reen). Don't mind the name, it's fun for grown ups too!
If on the other hand you find the game too easy, try going for a mega high score! You can get four times (4x) as many points while you're using a Tiny Paddle (get a shrink paddle or a super-shrink),a Tiny Ball, and a Fast Ball (grab the Fast Ball power up or justwait a while and avoid Slow Ball like the plague). You don't need all three at once either, one or two will still give you more points than normal.
DX-BALL 2的玩法是非常简单的。只需使用鼠标将你的横板来回移动,将小球弹向砖块,打碎它们。当他们全部被击碎时,你便能进入下一关。在游戏期间,你可以捡到道具,一些将十分有用,还有一些会阻碍游戏的进程,另外,一些道具既有好处也有坏处。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:27

Playing DX-Ball 2 is very simple(简单). Just use the mouse(用鼠标) to move your
paddle back and forth along the bottom of the screen, bouncing theballs back up into the field of bricks to break them. Once they're all broken you'll proceed to the next level. Along the way you can pick up ndom Power-Ups, some of which are good, others are bad,and some may have good aspects and bad aspects.
If you think the game is too hard(如果难),try Kid-Mode (press the F4 key on the Title reen). Don't mind the name, it's fun for grown ups too!
If on the other hand you find the game too easy, try going for a mega high score! You can get four times (4x) as many points while you're using a Tiny Paddle (get a shrink paddle or a super-shrink),a Tiny Ball, and a Fast Ball (grab the Fast Ball power up or justwait a while and avoid Slow Ball like the plague). You don't need all three at once either, one or two will still give you more points than normal.
DX-BALL 2的玩法是非常简单的。只需使用鼠标将你的横板来回移动,将小球弹向砖块,打碎它们。当他们全部被击碎时,你便能进入下一关。在游戏期间,你可以捡到道具,一些将十分有用,还有一些会阻碍游戏的进程,另外,一些道具既有好处也有坏处。

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