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英语作文 名校校园成为旅游新景点 \ 人们的观点 自己的观点

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 14:51



热心网友 时间:2022-04-29 16:11

Nowadays, many famous university campuses have become one of the popular tourist attraction. It has been shown on TV and on the radio that every year
thousands and thousands of middle school students visit Tsing Hua University and
Peking University and other famous universities in China. In the place far away
from the capital city, the local students also visit the universities famous in
their own province. So far as the present situation is concerned, is it a good
or bad thing to open the university campus for tourists? Different people have
different opinions. On one hand, some people argued that it is a good thing for
the students to visit the famous university campus in that it can enable the
middle students to get more information about the university and they can have
enough time and opportunity to prepare themselves with the chance to get into
the university. On the other hand, some people hold a negative view about this
phenomenon. In their opinion, thepublic tourism will have negative effect on the
universities because it will not only do harm to the environment but also to the
intellectual atmosphere. In my opinion, the tourism to the universities is not a
good thing. The campus is mainly a place for study . With the increasing tourism
on the campus, it will ruin the spiritual atmosphere in this learning field.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-29 17:29

Many people think that the university campus should not be open to tourists, but I don't think so. I believe that open the unversity campus to tourists can both benefit the university, but also the tourists.If the university campus is open to tourists, the students in the university can know how big the world is. They can learn how to communicate with the outside world without playing trunt. And because of the opening, they can get good opptunities in getting along with the world even if they are still at school! It is known that China has earned a lot since the opening-up policy. So ,why do we universities keep away from the outside?In addition, if the university campus is open to tourists, it can make much impression on them. Accoring to the ‘opening-up‘ policy, the tourists can know what the university life looks like. They can teach their children by showing them around the school.In my opinion, the university campus should be open to tourists. And it is the opening policy that can lead not only the universities but also the tourists to the success!写的好像有点多,额~

热心网友 时间:2022-04-29 19:03

Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have withered. You* **ce is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Something in your eyes, whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down, tears surge out.
婴儿突然变的睡觉多了怎么办 宝宝奶量没增加但是睡眠时间变长怎么回事 孩子出现哪些行为时,意味着孩子进入到猛涨期?家长该做些什么? 1岁宝宝睡眠突然增多是怎么回事 李冰冰与自己小十六岁的男友感情稳定,你会介意找一个比自己小的人结婚... 二月份是什么星座呢 二月份的星座是什么座 十二星座对应月份 2月份是什么座是什么星座 2月份出生的什么星座 名校校园成为旅游的新热点,你的看法是什么? 上海交大是国内高校游的一个热点,都有哪些必打卡的地方? 名校校园成为旅游新热点英语作文 华硕魔霸新锐笔记本电脑插上耳机没声音? 华硕笔记本插耳机有声音却无法用耳机的麦克风说话只能用内置的说话,如何设置成耳机既能听也能说话? 跑滴滴一个月可以挣多少钱 为什么洗衣机排不出水? 耳机听筒线断了,会不会漏电 华硕笔记本插耳机没声音 耳机线烂了能用透明胶粘起来吗?会不会触电 奥克斯全自动洗衣机怎么不脱水了? 蓝牙耳机外皮里面的线断了,充电能充上。会漏电吗 华硕笔记本连接耳机就没有声音是怎么回事? 跑滴滴一个月能赚多少钱 用什么办法能解决华硕笔记本耳机无声音的状况? 数据线的橡胶皮破了,会漏电吗? 奥克斯洗衣机排水后不会脱水怎么办? 最近想跑滴滴打车,滴滴打车怎么样,能赚钱吗,请知道的详细说一下,谢谢 蓝牙耳机尾巴咧了听歌漏电吗? 耳机皮坏了怎么办?会漏电吗?求qiuj求经验 名校校园下成为旅游新热点英语怎么翻译 西瓜吃了有什么好么? 暑期名校清华北大旅游为什么如此火爆? 为什么笔记本电脑插上U盘却没有任何显示呢? 英语作文,名校校园成为旅游热点,你的看法是? 吃西瓜对人身体有什么好处??? 请大家帮忙看一下这个题目 高手帮我翻译下面的成英文 广发银行信用卡欠逾期一年多催收来电话说要起诉先还2000算起一个月可能吗? 英语考试的的作文 求个范文 我的广发信用卡欠款肆万多已一年没还会坐牢吗 阅读下面一段材料,按要求回答问题。(6分)如今,参观北大、清华已经如同逛长城、游故宫一样成为众多旅 我想问下广发信用卡还款长期逾期,银行会怎么处理, 名校是否该成为旅游景点(英语作文) 广发信用卡一年前逾期一次现在征信有影响吗 "状元陪游名校"噱头背后藏着什么问题? 广发信用卡欠了9000多,逾期快一年了,现在来个起诉书,要怎么处理 我们要办辩论赛 题目是校园应否成为旅游景点对游人开放 桂林旅游学院有哪些学校特色? 北大清华校园旅游攻略