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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 16:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:56

一些沉默 一场汹涌 一息悸动 一眼渴望
somewhat silenct / somewhy turbulent /somehow palpitant / someone was needed
一次多巴鞍的上升 一阵目眩的刺痛
a rising of dopamine /a burst of dizzy smart
一味隐藏的心 一如既往贪婪的旋律
a sense of pity / an usual rytheme of greedy/an usual grasping melody
Every hysterical musical note

如果你有爱 如果你爱音乐
As long as you still have the willingly heart, and keen on the music
please don't be part

参考资料:译之于心,动之以情© Copyright 2006 coolshiyong. All rights reserved.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:57

Some silence, a turbulence, a rest palpitates, a hope, more than a Pakistan saddle rise, a dizzy stabbing pain, hides constantly the heart, the greedy melody, all let your hysteria as always the note… If you have the love, if you love the sound, remains down…

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 21:54

一些沉默 一场汹涌 一息悸动 一眼渴望
somewhat silenct / somewhy turbulent /somehow palpitant / someone was needed
一次多巴鞍的上升 一阵目眩的刺痛
a rising of dopamine /a burst of dizzy smart
一味隐藏的心 一如既往贪婪的旋律
a sense of pity / an usual rytheme of greedy/an usual grasping melody
Every hysterical musical note

如果你有爱 如果你爱音乐
As long as you still have the willingly heart, and keen on the music
please don't be part

参考资料:译之于心,动之以情© Copyright 2006 coolshiyong. All rights reserved.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 21:54

Some silence, a turbulence, a rest palpitates, a hope, more than a Pakistan saddle rise, a dizzy stabbing pain, hides constantly the heart, the greedy melody, all let your hysteria as always the note… If you have the love, if you love the sound, remains down…

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 21:55

Some a silent dashing interests palpitate one eye desire
A many ascensions of Ba's saddles are a burst of and giddy piercing
The heart concealed persistently just as since go toward greedy melody

I am the whole to let you a hysterical note...
If you have a love if you love music

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:57

Some a silent dashing interests palpitate one eye desire
A many ascensions of Ba's saddles are a burst of and giddy piercing
The heart concealed persistently just as since go toward greedy melody

I am the whole to let you a hysterical note...
If you have a love if you love music
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