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完整的歌名谁知道? 如图,被遮住的那个貌似是首英文歌,谁能告诉我具体作者加歌名是什么啊~大谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 15:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:38

skin deep
You're telling me that I'm your queen
That nothing matches me.
You're making me feel like a dream
The way you flatter me
Are you just another fake
Or something special?
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're telling me that I'm too cool
You say I'm beautiful
I gotta tell you I'm no fool
I'm kinda cynical
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
You sit me on the top of your world
Can't take your eyes of me
You say that I'm your candy girl
Well that's oh so sweet
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Down, down, take it to the bone
Get to the beauty within
Down, down take it to the bone
Got to discover me
Down, down take it to the bone
Open your mind and come in
Down, down, take it to the bone
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)追问歌名是什么╭(°A°`)╮


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:39

booty music

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:38

skin deep
You're telling me that I'm your queen
That nothing matches me.
You're making me feel like a dream
The way you flatter me
Are you just another fake
Or something special?
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're telling me that I'm too cool
You say I'm beautiful
I gotta tell you I'm no fool
I'm kinda cynical
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
You sit me on the top of your world
Can't take your eyes of me
You say that I'm your candy girl
Well that's oh so sweet
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Down, down, take it to the bone
Get to the beauty within
Down, down take it to the bone
Got to discover me
Down, down take it to the bone
Open your mind and come in
Down, down, take it to the bone
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)追问歌名是什么╭(°A°`)╮


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:39

booty music

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:38

skin deep
You're telling me that I'm your queen
That nothing matches me.
You're making me feel like a dream
The way you flatter me
Are you just another fake
Or something special?
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're telling me that I'm too cool
You say I'm beautiful
I gotta tell you I'm no fool
I'm kinda cynical
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
You sit me on the top of your world
Can't take your eyes of me
You say that I'm your candy girl
Well that's oh so sweet
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Down, down, take it to the bone
Get to the beauty within
Down, down take it to the bone
Got to discover me
Down, down take it to the bone
Open your mind and come in
Down, down, take it to the bone
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)追问歌名是什么╭(°A°`)╮


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:39

booty music

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:38

skin deep
You're telling me that I'm your queen
That nothing matches me.
You're making me feel like a dream
The way you flatter me
Are you just another fake
Or something special?
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're telling me that I'm too cool
You say I'm beautiful
I gotta tell you I'm no fool
I'm kinda cynical
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
You sit me on the top of your world
Can't take your eyes of me
You say that I'm your candy girl
Well that's oh so sweet
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Down, down, take it to the bone
Get to the beauty within
Down, down take it to the bone
Got to discover me
Down, down take it to the bone
Open your mind and come in
Down, down, take it to the bone
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)追问歌名是什么╭(°A°`)╮


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:39

booty music

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:38

skin deep
You're telling me that I'm your queen
That nothing matches me.
You're making me feel like a dream
The way you flatter me
Are you just another fake
Or something special?
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're telling me that I'm too cool
You say I'm beautiful
I gotta tell you I'm no fool
I'm kinda cynical
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
You sit me on the top of your world
Can't take your eyes of me
You say that I'm your candy girl
Well that's oh so sweet
Boy have you got what it takes
Something special
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Down, down, take it to the bone
Get to the beauty within
Down, down take it to the bone
Got to discover me
Down, down take it to the bone
Open your mind and come in
Down, down, take it to the bone
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)
Don't think this beauty's Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I need more than you're giving me
Skin Deep
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Get down to the bone
Heart and soul, I've got to have it all
It's got to be special (special)追问歌名是什么╭(°A°`)╮


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 20:39

booty music
离焦和普通镜片的区别 昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东.身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀壹点通 后面的... “昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东。”是什么意思_出处及原文翻译_学 ... 春捂养生吃什么?春不捂好易宫寒严重者或致不孕! 吃什么滋阴养颜 四种滋阴的食物最适合女性主妇网 5种食物来帮忙,滋阴补肾更健康 十大滋阴补气保健食材推荐 女性滋阴润燥最好的10种补品有哪些_百度知 ... 500g肉松紫米饭团的大小 下雨天的心情说说经典 三文鱼的胆固醇高吗 welcome to my life歌词及翻译? 在手机上面如何把表格放到一个文档里面 古玩英语词汇及专业术语 泰森的十翅一桶空气炸锅要多久 手机幕布怎么给文件排序 复仇者联盟好看吗?值得多次去刷吗? MYSQL过一段时间就提示10055错误. 复仇者联盟里有哪些超能英雄 复仇者联盟片尾很有气势的音乐,不是歌曲,强调是音乐!!! 能否推荐几部劲爆的电影?超燃的那种? 同类型题材的《变形金钢》为什么没有《复仇者联盟》热度高? 《复仇者联盟》系列超燃混剪 孤单的古诗 描写花的诗句: 荷花的诗句都有什么 赞美莲的诗句,要带作者的!!!急!!! 莲花坞的重要诗句是什么 山居即事王维诗歌鉴赏问题 花和人的诗句 长期口臭失眠,舌苔白微微带黄,极少很黄,舌体胖有齿痕,肠胃胀气,晚上腹中有阵阵水声,大便无力且软 谁知道史密斯夫妇中的音乐 3首简单的英文歌以及翻译(越短越好) Skin deep-Natasha Thomas[娜塔莎 托马斯]中文歌词翻译 推荐一首好听的歌 节奏不要太快 歌词不要太难学 速度不要太快 谁能将这一段文字翻译成英文~~ 多谢啦 财务管理软件哪家好呢? 跪地求一首rap英文说唱歌名! 财务管理软件哪家好呀? 英语爱好者请进!高分!帮我把这几个段落翻译成口语短文! 最好用的小型企业财务软件 关于最终幻想8的问题 网络商家欺骗消费者如何投诉 求一首女声欧美慢摇歌曲 歌词开头是两句everything开头的,中间好像有句be my firend 最好有翻译 谢谢 发现木马了 怎么办 win10系统华硕顽石5笔记本查看照片时,为什么没有上一张和下一张的按钮,不能查看下一张的图片? icu病房可以探视吗 紧急跪求了!!~好听简单的英文歌~ 为什么电脑上windows自带的图片查看器不能查看上一张下一张照片? 实体店欺骗消费者哪里投诉