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请专业人士帮忙翻译 英文句子 通俗准确!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-12 23:37



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 04:25

1 在二十世纪八十年代我们村发生了巨大的变化.
During the 20th century 80's, our village changed dramatically.
2 她穿了一件已经过时的衬衫.
She wore an outdated blouse.
3 金和黄铜颜色一样.
Gold and yellowish bronze are the same colour.
4 在我看来,你应该努力提高英语水平.
In my opinion, you should work harder to improve your english.
5 他们第一次见面.
They met for the first time.
6 既然你不知道这个词的意思,为什么不查字典呢?
Since you don't know the meaning of this word, why didn't you check the dictionary?
7 你认为沿海的大部分人吃什么?
What do you think majority of the people who live along the coastal regions eat?
8 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?
Do you mind me smoking here?
9 那些在地震中辛存下来的人们将永远也忘不了他们那可怕的经历.
Those who survived the earthquake will never forget the frightening experience they had.
10 我抽不出时间来度假.
I can't take time off for a holiday.
11 水果和蔬菜的价格上涨了.
Prices of fruit and vegetables have been inflated.
12 永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你最难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你.
Never stop smiling even when you are feeling down. Someone might fall in love of you because of your smile.
13 对不起,我刚才没有认出你.
Sorry, I didn't recognise you just now.
14 别着急,我不想催你做出决定.
There no need to hurry. I don't want to push you into making a decision.
15 如果我是你的话,我就说这是个人私事.
If I were you, I would say that this is a private business.
16 有些人并不是他们看上去的样子.
Some people are not what they look like.
17 我一直在思考如何才能少犯错误.
I always ponder over how to make less mistakes.
18 要不是他们的贷款,我们的生活会很困难.
If it weren't for their loan, our life would be very miserable.
19 为什么不去找你的老师帮忙呢?
Why don't you look for your teacher for help?
20 你做晚的表演棒极了.
The performance you did yesterday was great!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 04:25

1:The eighties of the twentieth century our village has changed dramatically
2:She is wearing a shirt out of date
3:Brass and the same color
4:In my opinion, you should strive to improve the English proficiency
5:They first met
6:Since you do not know the meaning of the word, why not look up this
7:Do you think the coast of what most people eat
8:Do you mind if I smoke it
9:Those in the earthquake survivors from the people will never forget their terrible experience
10:I have no time to draw holiday
11:The price of fruits and vegetables rose
12:Do not never stop smiling, even in the most difficult time for you, maybe someone will fall in love with your smile and your
13:I am sorry, I just did not recognize you
14:Do not worry, I do not want to urge you to take a decision
15:If I were you, I say this is a private matter
16:Some people do not look the way they
17:I have been pondering how to make fewer mistakes
18:If their loans, our lives would be very difficult
19:Why not go to your teacher to help them
20:Late show you great

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 04:26

1 eighties of the twentieth century our village has changed dramatically.
2 She is wearing a shirt out of date.
3 and the same brass color.
4 In my opinion, you should strive to improve the standard of English.
5 of their first meeting.
6 Since you do not know the meaning of the word, why not look up it?
7 Do you think the coast of what most people eat?
8 Do you mind if I smoke?
9 of those survivors in the earthquake off the people they will never forget that horrible experience.
10 I have not time to draw holiday.
11 fruit and vegetable prices rose.
12 Do not never stop smiling, even in the most difficult time for you, maybe someone will fall in love with you and you smile.
13 I am sorry, I just did not recognize you.
14 Do not worry, I do not want to urge you to make a decision.
15 If I were you, I say this is a private matter.
16 Some people do not like their looks.
17 I have been pondering how to make fewer mistakes.
18 if their credit, our lives will be very difficult.
19 Why not go to your teacher for assistance?
20 you last night great performance.
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