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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-04 10:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 07:35

Target:Turn, standardize for the proct examination norm which makes our company proce, promote proct quality thus and further, raise customer's satisfaction

Apply scope:Be applicable to our company proce of the proct proce and take delivery of goods an examination
Examine a condition
Examine a personnel sense of hearing in response to is normal, sight above 1.0, the color feels normally
Under the normal appearance(person, machine, thing, environment, ray)
External appearance the examination be normal is:Eyes are apart from the machine body 45-60 cms, time is 3-5, at the 60 W sunlight in the light
The power supply that proct use and request to mutually fit together
Is quasi- according to homework instruction book
The external appearance check noodles set
The external appearance check doesn't need the enactment as A, B, C, D four noodles
A:The main external appearance noodles is front side and crest noodles of the proct
B:The next in importance external appearance noodles is the or so on the side of proct
C:operate don't easily see of the noodles is the behind of proct
D:The noodles coulded not see while operate is the bottom noodles of the proct
The examination judges level
Examine a basis:
The quality check department sampling plans form
All related engineering data
The blemish judges standard and grade

Manual mistake, leak to put
Order a smoke machine a mistake.Leak to put
Charger specification mistake, leak to defend
The charger is bad
The eyes see an examination
The white box is damaged and the fold doesn't influence a protection function
The outside box breakage doesn't influence protection function
The outside box pollute(such as:Dust, footprint, oil stains)
Ma head mistake(the outside box print)
The power supply, electric voltage marks a mistake
The Styrofoam is ragged
Spray a paint, the handout glues with the 3 m gum paper 3 times to take off a paint
High pressure test however
Drop into a test however

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 07:36

Goals : To enable the company is a manufacturer of proct testing standardization, thereby further enhancing proct quality, enhance customer satisfaction scope : applicable to the Company's procts in proction and shipment of test conditions should be hearing examiner to normal, Vision 1.0 above normal color perception in the normal state (people, machines, and materials, the environment, light) test normal appearance : 45-60cm eyes away from the body, time of 3-5 seconds, at 60W fluorescent procts under the Power coincide with the requirements in accordance with the Instructions for the later appearance of surface inspection check-set appearance set to A, B, C, D 4-A : The main exterior surface of the positive procts and the top B : minor exterior surface. procts around the side C : operation is not easy to see the surface of the procts behind D : operation can not see the face, procts for the bottom of test standard test basis : Zhijianbu sampling program for all projects related defect information grading criteria and accessories : manual errors, missing on the wrong door. Charger specifications missing mistakes, and missed Charger defense adverse visual detection packaging white box damaged, fold without affecting the function of protecting damaged box does not affect the protection function boxes pollution (such as : st and footprints, filthy) mark errors (box outside printing) power supply voltage marking errors styrofoam broken paint, 3m printed with adhesive tape Niantie 3rd repetition of high pressure will pass tests drop pass test
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