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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 23:01



热心网友 时间:2023-08-31 21:24

In the journey of life, each person's life all cannot do without the help of others, because any things of nature is a universal unity, no one can escape and things exist in isolation, but to accept help others at the same time, we should also learn to help others.
Since I can remember, I was exposed to a lot of love to help others, their selfless dedication, for the happiness of others and give up their happy spirit deeply touched me, which I know is Cong's father, because my 178 students was funded in one of them, I'm fortunately, also very grateful to God let me meet Cong dad. Because I was a fatherless orphans, the childhood life together with his uncle, and uncle also had two children, this life is not rich uncle brought heavier burden. When in high school on me, because the tuition is too expensive, uncle and then can't afford my school, and in my face out of school time, Cong Fei dad walked into my life, he understood my situation and said to me, you can continue to go to school, don't drop out of school because of tuition fees problem is, you don't give up your studies, for you to solve the problem of tuition I to you. After listening to a clump of dad's words, my tears can't help to flow out, I was really excited, also very grateful plexus father, he made me go to school again, let my dream and have realized the opportunity. But I also want to be illogical to now is as good as Cong dad, why are the evil has claimed his valuable life, after hearing the news of the death of Cong's father, my general pain be torn with grief, I dare not believe, also don't want to believe it is true, because in my heart only his beautiful and loud voices and that of a kind, gentle face......
Dad flying in a clump of impact and influence, I secretly determined, must take the Cong Fei Daddy the spirit of selfless dedication to continue, I would like to learn Cong's father, I also want to learn to help others, like Cong Fei father put a great blessing to help others as their own life, because I'm a plexus of the daughter of my father, I want to let the world know, carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication Cong's father have qualified successors, I want Cong Fei Daddy the spirit of selfless dedication will carry forward, let every corner of the world is full of love, full of warm.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-31 21:25

谈过几次恋爱才知道爱情的真谛? 已知函数fx﹦Asin(ωx+ψ),(ω>0,A>0,ψ∈(0,π/2)) 求fx解析式 已知a... 已知函数fx=sin(wx+Ф)(其中w> 数学:函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)(其中A>0,|φ|<π/2)的图像如图所示,为了... 函数fx=sin(x-π/12)xsin(x+5π/12),求最小正周期 已知函数fx=Asin(wx+φ),(w>0,A>0,φ∈(0,π/2)的部分图像如图所示... 已知函数f(x)=Asin(wx+φ)(x∈R,w>0,0<φ<π/2)的部分图像如图所示... 珠江的型号怎么那么多?都说自己的好,看晕了,到底那个好啊? ...ωx+φ)的图像关于直线x=π/3对称,且f(π/12)=0,则当ω取最小值... 朋友介绍买珠江的钢琴,上网一查型号那么多,真头晕,请问珠江P、T、R... 人教版小学语文四年级目录 关于帮助别人的作文 一篇关于帮助需要帮助的人的作文,一百字左右 我们应不应帮助陌生人为主的英语作文 应不应该帮助陌生人英语作文 “该不该帮助别人”的800字作文 求一篇 我们能否帮助陌生人 为话题的高中语文作文 ... 我们应不应帮助陌生人 英语作文 你会帮助需要帮助的陌生人吗?大学生作文 该不该帮助陌生人作文 苹果ipad2可以使用U盘吗?还有可以使用 办公软件吗?例如word、excel等吗? 在朋友手上买车险,报价比别人贵怎么办? 优科豪马就是横滨轮胎吗? 买车险买电话车险好,还是找人买好呢??? 优科豪马轮胎分几个系列,依次排哪个好 怎么车险代理,找什么单位谈,押金要多少 优科豪马轮胎哪个国家的 我想买车险,怎么没人打电话呢? GEOLANDAR是什么牌子的轮胎? 你好我想做车险这块,想做在时间上自由,到外面找... 带显示金额的电子秤怎么激活取样 应不应该帮助陌生人英文作文英文作文 旧的人教版小学语文的课文目录,2003年以前的版本的 小学生该不该帮助陌生人(反方)总结陈词 支付宝福卡上限多少张 我帮助别人的作文(要有故事)400字 当今骗子这么多,我们应不应该帮助陌生人(反方) 为什么只能扫到两个福一个和谐和友善? 支付宝积福全家福所有人一张就可以了吗? 关于自己帮助别人的作文 作文600字 现代金控POS机刷卡不到账怎么办 我们应该如何对待别人帮助 800字作文 电子称显示CAL什么意思 写一篇我帮助别人的作文,不少于400字 金控钱包没有即刷即到了吗 电子秤显示器显示H是什么意思? 现代金控今天怎么不到 小学语文人教版新教材和人教版旧教材的篇目比较 支付宝全家福卡一个手机登两个号可以组建家庭吗? 现代金控pos机2015年3月30号刷卡31号不到账为什么