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跪求英语高手翻译 信息化的英文摘要 小弟叩谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 18:12



热心网友 时间:2023-08-20 14:01

Abstract: Informationize be that enterprise puts fundamental knowledge administration implement into practice , informationize be also that enterprise is in motion and does business administrative one kind of means. On today, the IT application already, the cost enterprise to be in motion and do business being most common in process one daily species technology composes in reply method , you do not have software system, you can get on the Internet at least , exchange and business carrying out a few such as passing a mail , exchanging an implement on the net contacts with each other , become to prop up enterprise daily the important means being in motion and doing business and implement. But be in motion and do business as enterprise managing depending on being really not simple being able to do well in a sum developing as soon as the informationize means composes in reply an implement, acquisition draws in the marketplace existing and developing. These informationize means and implement are supervisory service's for the enterprise being in motion and doing business , are to be that the enterprise business opens up the exhibition and supervisory service; Besides we finish using these implements in addition to, more important being in motion and doing business wanting to take inside of enterprise seriously too manages system , is in motion and do business pattern and the system building-up, these are informationize have no way to replace , pass the informationize means and technology and can help these system , system to be solidified and perfect but, go along and analysis swear to carry out. Have brought forward the model advancing graally with information Hua Wei basis enterprise knowledge administration , have sought the machine-made development route being innovative by the fact that the knowledge administration structures enterprise. The angle from knowledge has studied informationize to effect Gao Xin Qi Ye , and from the manage a key element and informationize synergic angle has brought forward a countermeasure.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-20 14:01

Information is the enterprises to implement the basic tools of knowledge management, information management is a means of business operations. Today, the application of information technology, the cost of business has been the most common course of daily operations of a technology and methods, you do not have software systems, at least you can online, by mail, online communication tools to conct an exchange of ideas and business contacts, serve as the supporting business an important means for daily operations and tools. However, as business operations management does not simply rely on an information-based instruments and tools will be able to do a good job and development, and survival in the market access and development. These information-based instruments and tools for enterprise operations management services, is a company's business development and management services; we apart from making good use of these tools, more importantly, must also focus on internal operations management system, operation mode and system and the establishment of, these are the information can not be replaced, but through information technology tools and techniques and can help cure and improve these systems, system, ensure the implementation of the conct and analysis. Proposed to the information-based enterprise knowledge management into a progressive model, to explore knowledge management to build companies through the development of innovative mechanisms for the path. From the perspective of knowledge of information technology on the impact of high-tech enterprises and the elements and information from the management point of view put forward the collaborative response.
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