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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 19:25



热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 20:27

Appearance 外规(应该是外观吧)
Grammole substituent 克分子取代度
Water content水份
Light transmission 透光率
NDJ-1 rotational viscometer NDJ-1型旋转式粘度计
Water solution at 20℃ 20摄氏度水溶液
Viscosity range 粘度范围
Spindle No.锭轴号
Spindle speed 锭轴转速
Instant soluble proct 速溶型产品

热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 20:27

External regulation, molar substitution, water, insoluble, light transmittance, NDJ-1 rotary viscometer of 20 degrees Celsius in water, viscosity range, Spindle No. Spindle speed instant procts! ! ! Refuse to use online translation tools translation was the answer! ! Brothers and sisters, please!

热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 20:28

The mole fraction, replaced, moisture, insoluble, light transmittance, NDJ - 1 type of rotary viscometer 20 degrees Celsius, the viscosity solution of spindle, spindle speed, instant type procts.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 20:28

External regulation, molar substitution, water, insoluble, light transmittance, NDJ-1 rotary viscometer of 20 degrees Celsius in water, viscosity range, Spindle number, instant-type procts Spindle Speed

Appearance 外规(应该是外观吧)Grammole substituent 克分子取代度 Water content水份 Light transmission 透光率 NDJ-1 rotational viscometer NDJ-1型旋转式粘度计 Water solution at 20℃ 20摄氏度水溶液 Viscosity range 粘度范围 Spindle No.锭轴号 Spindle speed 锭轴转速 Instant soluble product ...


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