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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 15:06



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 20:19






一路走来,带着童年时的梦想,载着对未来得向往和追求,怀揣不同的心情,也看到了不同的景物。在人生旅途中,走过的每一条路都是背后一道美丽的风景线。这道靓丽的风景线中,我们有得必有失。如果想驻足饱览连绵不断的群山,定会失去一望无际的平原;如果想欣赏波涛汹涌的大海,失去的肯定是清澈见底的小溪;如果想攀登高峰,平坦的大路便会在我们眼皮底下消失。这是大自然的必然规律,也是我们生活当中真实的写照。我们会看到很多很多,也会失去很多很多,得到的是我们付出的辛勤与努力,一定要珍惜。失去的不必后悔,至少让我们懂得了生活之路不是一帆风顺的,我们要开辟脚下无法迈出的人生之路,在逆境中不断前进,不断远航。人生的这趟旅行中,我们受益匪浅,我们走过人生这趟旅行,饱览人世间的酸甜苦辣,我们不白活一回。( 文章阅读网:www.sanwen.net )



Life is like a trip, in the journey, we have had the joy and pain, have had
success and failure, had the fame and shame. No matter whether you are willing
to accept, met should be open to face, don't evade, don't complain about the
unfair fate, don't scold the cruel reality, all difficulties is to rely on the
courage and perseverance to overcome. We should put aside ideological baggage,
in the face of the winding mountain road, learn to face the reality The path
winds along mountain ridges., better life. In the journey of life be so
generous, open-minded, a correct attitude toward life.

Life is a journey,
travel along the way, we saw the beautiful scenery, met a memorable people and
things of the past, have left a beautiful moment, we can not stop the footsteps
stopped to watch. The long journey, we keep away from No footsteps, nor keep
away people. We cannot predict the next intersection scenery will be how a
scene, does not allow enough time to think and imagine, only in the passage of
time, the pace of progress in high school would choose life, learn to appreciate
the world.

The starting point of life journey, we can not choose, and the
end we can not give up. No one leading to a bright, there is no better shortcut
is depends on the successful. Each step of the way of life in our own feet,
under our firm and unshakable faith. From birth to thirty years of age, hanging
in the memory is always poor and couldn't get out of trouble. In the passage of
time, we are not willing to sink in the world, is not willing to do forever
weak. In order to select the front more beautiful scenery, we learned to strong,
learned to calm look at life, in the boundless journey, graally mature,
comprehend the true meaning of life.

Encounter a beautiful scenery, we
both may sitting around, also want to sing a song, let the brilliant color
panoramic view. Travel in the scenic lighting up our beautiful life, rich life
happy memories.

Encountered in a silt the rugged mountain road, we do not
want to marching thorns ahead, more reluctant to get in the silt were able to
extricate themselves blind depression, difficult to implement the forward road.
A difficult journey that we learned how to struggle, to fight against the fate,
learned the volition. To this end we know no matter how good the scenery is also
going through, we do not because of her beauty and termination of the pace of
progress, miss more beautiful scenery. No matter how rough the road ahead,
rocky, no matter how much experience the wind and rain, we always adhere to the
feet, believe that after the storm will be the rainbow, we will harvest more
perfect, wonderful life.

Along the way, with a childhood dream, carrying
on future yearning and pursuit, with a different mood, can see different
scenery. Journey in life, every road are behind a beautiful scenery line. This
beautiful scenery line, we will lose. If you want to stop and enjoy the
mountains without stop, will lose the plains stretch as far as eye can see; if
you want to enjoy the roaring waves of the sea, lost must be clear bottoming out
of the creek; if you want to climb the peak, flat road will disappear in our
nose. This is the inevitable law of nature, is our life true portraiture. We
will see a lot of, will lose a lot, we obtained is hard and hard, must cherish.
The lost won't regret, at least let us know the road of life is not Everything
is going smoothly., we must open the feet can not take the road of life,
constantly move forward in the face of adversity, the continuous voyage. The
journey of life, we benefit, we walk through the life of this trip, enjoy the
world sour, sweet, bitter, hot, we do not live in vain back. (read the article
network: www.sanwen.net)

In the life journey, we harvest the fruits of
harvest at the same time, don't forget to share with friends, relatives. When we
encounter difficulties, is to jump out of their first be willing, stretched out
a helping hand to us. We stand at the crossroads of life helpless, is friends
well meaning advice, be good at giving systematic guidance relatives teach the
regret that we return to life in the confusion of the journey. A friend can be
used to share the joy, also can be used to share the sorrow. Considerate and
caring relatives meticulous, let us feel the warmth in the world, let us in life
on the road more walk more far. Because they have the companionship and support,
distant journey won't feel alone and lonely. At the same time, let us learn to
appreciate them, thanks for the life. I continued with their enthusiasm,
sincere. With his hot heart to warm the people around, this is the life, every
one of the friends and relatives cherish the good side!

Reviewing the
past, what want to do things not to do, how many wonderful dreams are unknown,
can not be achieved. The journey of life is also disappointing when, every
failure can sometimes be my mind. Not one hundred percent success on the way of
life, nor the out and out of the failure, as long as we work hard, as long as we
do it carefully, will not give life to leave some regrets. Terrible is on the
way of life of frustrated, you get disheartened, remain stagnant, proce at a
loss about the prospect of life, did not expect and yearn for. In the face of
the weak, I will tell them weizheshijingcheng. Everyone has failed,
frustrated, though failed, but should see success. There are some things we are
inevitable in the life journey, so we must learn to face, and the accumulation
of sediment in the loss of access in. Believe that failure contains the
opportunity, seize the opportunity to new success. So in the long and difficult
journey, in pursuit of a perfect life, please a more relaxed, more comfortable,
more sober, walk every step of the way.

The end is like a travel
destination is without warning, as long as there is life, our hearts will have a
never burn out ideal existence. We should pursue perfection in my limited life
of life, in the life stage will be in their interpretation of the wonderful,
have a more perfect life.
《人生旅程》英语翻译是 "The journey"


热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 20:20

depends on mitosis and the rapid manufacture of cytoplasm; fungal mitosis is unique in that it occurs within the nucleus. Hyphae from genetically distinct indivials may fuse to form a heterokaryon-a single cytoplasm with dissimilar nuclei.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 20:20

A Journey to / in Life

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 20:21

life journey


life is a journey ,travel it well中文怎么翻译?


人生 最好的旅程、就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。翻译成...

人生 最好的旅程、就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。翻译成泰语 人生 最好的旅程、就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。翻译成泰语 135***5793 2017-10-01 | 浏览28 次 翻译学习 |举报 答题抽奖 首次认真答题后 即可获得3次抽奖机会,100%中奖。 更多问题 可选中1个或多个下面的关...


为了方便你更好的理解《journey》这首歌,特别附上歌词中文翻译(本人翻译的,可能翻译得不是很好)(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……It's a long long journey till I know where I'm supposed to be 这是一段很长很长的旅程直到我明白那里是我认为的去处 It's a long long journey and I don't know ...

Ankit Fadia人生

Ankit Fadia的人生旅程始于1985年5月24日。在他的童年时期,10岁那年,父母在家为他配置了一台个人电脑,这开启了他与计算机世界的第一步。仅仅在12岁时,Fadia就展现出了对计算机的非凡天赋,凭借自学成为了少年黑客。他的才华得到了业界的认可,14岁时出版了他的首部个人专著——《An UnOFFicial ...

求英语选修7 U5 82页 TRAVELLERS'TALES翻译

Travel, is a journey, but also a mentality. Yearning for freedom, casual and ceaseless is what I, a man who dreams of becoming a traveler, strive for.旅行,是旅途,更是心态。向往自由、随性与不停,这也是我——一个梦想成为旅行者的人所为之努力奋斗的。


英文歌《Epilogue》歌词翻译 翻译后的歌词:终章 风带走时间,悄然无声。我们的故事,一页页翻过。曾经的誓言,如今成了回忆的章节。在这终章,找寻那迷失的过往。歌词详解:1. 风带走时间,悄然无声。这句话描绘了时间的流逝,像微风一样悄无声息。歌词中的“风”象征着自然和变化,而“时间”在...


翻译:A journey in life, there are ups and downs before climbing, the storm is the scenery.Benevolent Tairan own, imaginary keep quiet, committed Atsuyuki, the direction of self-control.Worldly latitude and longitude, pros and cons at a time, far-sighted win.Wise Cave Dong Ming ...


Life is like a journey, focus not on the destination, but what you see along the way.



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