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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 13:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:26



第三步,重起,在开机状态下连续按F8进入安全模式,进入之后点开始菜单——运行——输入cmd——输入D:——再输入D:\sptdinst_x86.exe add, 输入正确后你能看到出现“You need reboot........”这句,而不是象往常一样弹出"This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) layer on your computer. WARNING SPTD is not compatible with kernel mode debuggers (SoftICE, WinDBG etc.)! Please cancel setup if you plan to use kernel debugger on this machine." ,点确定。

第四步,重起,在正常模式下就安装DT4了,安装完毕后会出现'Virtual SCSI Driver Not Detected'且右下角无图标,这时候别着急再重起

问题My system won't boot after installation of v4, or problems with SPTD.SYS

If your system has some problems with SPTD installation you can do as follows:

If your OS is already running then go to step 2 directly.
If you cannot boot your PC at all then start from step 1.

1. Boot in safe mode and press ESC key when you see on bottom line of display:
"Press ESC to cancel loading SPTD.sys". This will abort loading of SPTD layer.

2. Remove or temporarily rename WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\sptd.sys.

3. Reboot again in normal mode and check if your issue is solved.

In case you had BSOD/crash you can check for minimp (in Windows\Minimp folder) related to that crash, send newest file to support@daemon-tools.cc with exact problem description.
Do NOT send minimp, if your problem is solved after removal of Starforce drivers! (Check this thread.)

Note that you have to rename sptd.sys back after the problem causing the crash is solved in order to get Daemon Tools working.

You can also download sptdinst.exe (in our download section) for your Windows version (i.e. sptdinst_x86 for 32bit Windows, spdtinst_x64 for 64bit Windows) and execute "sptdinst remove", reboot to complete de-installation.
Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!

SPTDinst X86
Download: SPTDinst X86

Description: this is the standalone-package of the SPTD-driver. To remove the SPTD-driver, simple download it and via command-console, execute it "sptdinst_x86.exe remove" and SPTD will remove itself from your windows installation. If you want to add it, execute in command console "sptdinst_x86.exe add". SPTD is also used (besides DaemonTools) in some proprietary security, antivirus and monitoring applications which are not disclosed to wide public.
Size: 895 KB
Release Date and Time: Tuesday, January 10 2006, 00:30
今天我试了以上的方案,发现在我的机子上都不一样,按方案二安全模式上ESQ停止加载SPTD。SYS,然后删除WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\sptd.sys. ,之后REBOOT但是安装时仍然有到开的错误提示。
第一种方案,我发现一开始删除Windows\System32\Drivers\dtscs..sys都一样,因此最后又恢复了这个系统文件,接着第二步用下载的sptdinst_x86.exe在安全模式的DOS窗口中执行sptdinst_x86.exe add,系统提示,"This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) layer on your computer. WARNING SPTD is not compatible with kernel mode debuggers (SoftICE, WinDBG etc.)! Please cancel setup if you plan to use kernel debugger on this machine." 我记得在安全模式下开机时WINXP SP2已加载了sptd.sys因此此处运行这个我觉得没有意义。因此尽管有错误提示我还是选择了“是”
之后弹出“you need reboot...........”于我是正常启动WINDOWS XP SP2,开始安装Daemon Tool 4.03,这时没有出现错误提示,我正常安装成功,运行DT顺利,查看USB也很正常,运行了一下别的程序均未发现异常。
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