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与他人合著:《金属防腐蚀技术》 先后在国内外科技期刊上共发表了180多篇论文,其中80余篇被SCI、EI收录 。
[1]Guan Wang,Yu Hongying,Jin Ying,Sun Dong.Effect of Pickling on Plating Porosity and Related Electrochemical Test[J].Surface Engineering, 2012,28(6):430-434.   [2]Tan Li,Cao Lijing,YangMu,Ge Wang,Dong Sun. Formationof al-responsive polystyrene/polyaniline microspheres with sea urchin-likeand core-shell morphologies[J]. Polymer,2011,(52): 4770-4776.   [3]Jin Ying,Yu Hongying,Yang Dejun,Sun Dong.Electrochemical Essence of Metal Catalytic Activity for ElectrolessDeposition[J]. Rare metal materials and engineering, 2010, 39(8): 1365-1369.   [4]Jin Ying,Yu Hongying,Yang Dejun,Sun Dong.Effects of complexing agents on acidic electroless nickel deposition[J]. Raremetals,2010,29(4): 401-406.   [5]Cao Li-Jing,Wang Ge,Shi Lin,Yang Mu,SunDong-Bai. Preparation and Catalytic Application of Poly 4-VinylpyridineMicrospheres[J]. Journal of applied polymer science,2010,116(6): 3178-3183.   [6]Yang Jing-hong,Liu Qing-you,Sun Dong-.Microstructure and Transformation Characteristics of Acicular Ferrite in HighNiobium-Bearing Microalloyed Steel[J]. Journal of iron and steel researchinternational,2010,17(6): 53-59.   [7]Xu J.,Zhang Z. L.,Ostby E.,Nyhus B.,SunDong. Constraint effect on the ctile crack growth resistance ofcircumferentially cracked pipes[J]. Engineering fracture mechanics,2009,77(4):671-684.   [8]Cao Lijing,Yang Mu,WangGe,Wei Yen,Sun Dong. AGreen Epoxidation System with Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Microsphere-SupportedMolybdenum Catalyst[J]. Polymer Chemistry,2010,48(3): 558-562.   [9]Yang Jinghong, Liu Qingyou,Sun Dong,LiXiangyang. Microstructure and transformation characteristics of acicularferrite in a high Nb-bearing microalloyed steel[J]. The Journal of Iron andSteel Research International, 2010, 17(6): 53-59.   [10]Xu J.,Zhang Z. L.,Ostby E,Nyhus B,SunDong. Effects of crack depth and specimen size on ctile crack growth ofSENT and SENB specimens for fracture mechanics evaluation of pipelinesteels[J]. international journal of pressure vessels and piping,2009,86(12):787-797.   [11]Yuan Xue-tao,Sun Dong-,Yu Hong-ying.Effect of nano-SiC particles on the corrosion resistance of NiP-SiC compositecoatings[J]. international journal of minerals metallurgy and materials,16(4):444-451.   [12]Wang DaPengHongYing.Preparation of one-dimensional nickel nanowires by self-assembly process[J].materials chemistry and physics,2008,113(1): 227-232.   [13]Yuan Xuetao,Sun Dong,Yu Hongying,MengHuimin. Structure and mechanical properties of Ni-P electrodepositedcoatings[J]. applied surface science,2008,255(6): 3613-3617.   [14]Yang Jing-hong,Liu Qing-you,Sun Dong-.Recrystallization Behavior of Deformed Austenite in High Strength MicroalloyedPipeline Steel[J]. Journal of iron and steel research international,2009,16(1):75-80.  [15]Wang DaPengYu HongYing.Preparation of one-dimensional nickel nanowires by self-assembly process[J].materials chemistry and physics,2008,113(1): 227-232.  [16]Ye Zhi-Guo,Meng Hui-Min,Sun Dong-Bai. Newdegradation mechanism of Ti/IrO2 + MnO2 anode for oxygen evolution in 0.5 MH2SO4 solution[J]. Electrochimica acta,2008,53(18): 5639-5643.  [17]Wang Ying,Yu Hongying,Cheng Yuan,ShanHaiTao,Zhang LiXin,Sun Dong Bai. Corrosion Behaviors of X80 Pipeline Steel inDifferent Simulated Alkaline Soil Solution[C]. Advanced materialsresearch,2011,189-193: 4261-4266.   [18]Yuan Xuetao,Sun Dong,Hua Zhiqiang,WangLei. Initial electrodeposition behavior of amorphous Ni-P alloys[C]. AdvancedMaterials Research, 2011,154-155:535-539.   [19]Wu Anqi,Yu Hongying,Sun Dong. ComputerSimulation of Uniform Corrosion Process for Carbon Steel[C]. Advanced MaterialsResearch,2011,201-203: 234-240.   [20]Cheng Yuan,Yu Hongying,Wang Ying,MengXu,Zhang Lixin,Sun DongBai. Effect of Potentials on Stress Corrosion Crackingof X80 Pipeline Steel in Simulated Soil Solution[C]. Advanced MaterialsResearch,2011,197-198:1549-1554.   [21]Yuan Xuetao,Hua Zhiqiang,Wang Lei,SunDong,Chen Songlin. Effect of nano-Al2O3 particles on the NiP/nano-Al2O3coatings' properties[C].Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011,66-68:1668-1675.   [22]Cao Lijing,Yang M.U,Wang G.E,Wei Yen,SunDong. A green epoxidation system with poly(4-vinylpyridine)microsphere-supported molybdenum catalyst[J]. Journal of Polymer Science,2010,48(3):558-562.   [23]Zhang Bingcong,Yu Hongying,Sun Dong.Shape-controlled synthesis and formation mechanism of cobalt nanopowders by aPVP-assisted method[C].Materials Science Forum, 2010,654-656:1186-1189.   [24]Xu Jie,Zhang, Zhiliang,Østby Erling,NyhusBård,Sun Dong. Axisymmetric modeling of constraint effect on the ctilecrack growth resistance of circumferentially cracked pipes[C].ASME 2010 29thInternational Conference on Ocean, Offshore and ArcticEngineering,2010,5:133-142.   [25]Xu Jie,Zhang Zhiliang,Østby Erling,NyhusBård,Sun Dong. Numerical analyses of ctile fracture behavior in 2D planestrain and axisymmetric models using the complete Gurson model[C]. Proceedingsof the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2009 - Materials andFabrication,2010,6(PART B):815-1824.   [26]Zhang Limin,Sun Dong,Yu Hongying. Effect of niobiumon the microstructure and wear resistance of iron-based alloy coating procedby plasma cladding[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A,2008,490(1-2):57-61.

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