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谁能告诉我temporary bliss 歌词的翻译 纳斯里的歌哦

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 17:43



热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 17:04

I come over 我过去了
Quarter past two 2点15分
Love in my eyes 因为你
Blinded by you 我对爱盲目
Just to get a taste of heaven 想得到飘飘欲仙的感觉
I'm on my knees 我跪着
I can't help it 我等不及
I'm addicted 我成瘾了
But I can't stand the 但我却不能忍受
Pain inflicted 被你伤害
In the morning 早晨时分
You're not holding on to me 你并不赖着我
Tell me what's the point of doing the? 告诉我这有什么意义?
What you're giving me 你给我的
Is nothing but a heart 只是一颗心
It's a lullaby 这是摇篮曲(敷衍)
Gonna kill my dreams, oh 让我回到现实
This is the last time 这是最后一次
Baby make up your mind 作出决定
'Cause I can't keep sleeping in your bed 因为我不能一直睡在你的床上
If you keep messing with my head 如果你要弄乱我的头
Before I slip under your sheets 在我钻进你的床单底下
Can you give me something, please? 能给我承诺吗?
I can't keeping touching you like this 我不能总是这样触碰你
If it's just temporary bliss 这只是短暂的快乐
Just temporary bliss 只是短暂的快乐
Mirror on fire 有时*
Mirror frozen 有时冷漠
There's no desire 没了兴趣
Nothing spoken 无话可说
You're just playing 你只是在玩弄我
I keep waiting for your heart 我在等你的真心
(I keep waiting for you)(一直在等你)
I am fiending for the sunshine 我渴望阳光
To show our love in a good light 让我们的爱公之于众
Give me reason 给我个理由
I am pleading to the stars 向星星祈愿
(Tell me)(告诉我)
Tell me what's the point of doing the? 这么做有什么意义?
What you're giving me 你给我的
Is nothing but a heart 只是一颗心
It's a lullaby 这是个摇篮曲
Gonna kill my dreams, oh 让我回到现实
This is the last time 最后一次
Baby make up your mind 作出决定
'Cause I can't keep sleeping in your bed 因为我不能一直睡在你的床上
If you keep messing with my head 如果你要弄乱我的头
Before I slip under your sheets 在我钻进你的床单底下
Can you give me something, please? 能给我承诺吗?
I can't keeping touching you like this 我不能总是这样触碰你
If it's just temporary bliss 这只是短暂的快乐
Just temporary bliss 只是短暂的快乐
I'm your one and only, only when you're lonely 我只是你填补空虚的人
(Na-na-na-na na-na-na-na) x2
I'm your one and only, only when you're lonely 我只是你填补空虚的人
Baby why you callin me? 为什么你要打给我?
Not another one 不是别人呢?
Not try'na be your whole life 不想成为你的一切
I don't wanna fall asleep 我不是在做梦
I'm your one and only, only when you're lonely 我只是你填补空虚的那个人
Baby why you callin me? 为什么你要打给我
Not another one 不是别人呢?
Not try'na be your whole life 不想成为你的一切
I can't keep sleeping in your bed 因为我不能一直睡在你的床上
If you keep messing with my head 如果你要弄乱我的头
Before I slip under your sheets 在我钻进你的床单底下
Can you give me something, please? 能给我承诺吗?
I can't keeping touching you like this 我不能总是这样触碰你
If it's just temporary bliss 这只是短暂的快乐
Just temporary bliss 只是短暂的快乐
Temporary bliss 短暂的快乐
I can't keep sleeping in your bed 因为我不能一直睡在你的床上
If you keep messing with my head 如果你要弄乱我的头
I can't keep feeling love like this 我不能再这样了
It's not worth temporary bliss 不要短暂的快乐
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