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求400词的英语作文 题目Why do we have rules and laws

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 17:42



热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 13:48

Why do We Have Rules And Laws?
It's well known that every country has its laws and every field has its rules.Laws and rules have existed for thousands of years,playing an very important character in society.Hower,different rules and laws play different characters.For example,traffic rules are for the purpose of guiding the transportation.School rules aim to instruct students to act properly.Drivers' obeying the traffic rules makes transportation goes well,and students' following the school rules helps schools work well and students grow happily.
So, we need rules and laws to know what is right and what is not,and what we should do and what should not.Rules and laws enable us act in a proper way,both benefiting ourselves and others.
On the other hand,there are some crimes in society.Criminals commit all kinds of crimes that damage people's lives.In order to protect the people and fight crimes,we need laws.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 13:49

We have laws because without laws the world would be chaos all over. People would be able to do whatever they wanted to. People could hurt or even kill one another. That is why the founding fathers of our country came up with the Constitution including the Bill of Rights and the twenty-six amendments. All of them consist of laws. Most of the laws are obeyed. When they are not, the person breaking the law is punished. Sometimes laws seem unfair and need to be changed. The government is constantly changing and making new laws.

if you have any questions or other you can find me or add me:)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 13:49


热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 13:50

what can i help u? you should think it carefully
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