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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 16:30



热心网友 时间:2023-08-12 22:48

The osseous system tumor (bone cancer) the cause of disease witharises the situation

The bone tumor cause of disease has not until now been bright,formerly thought the damage specially is the chronic minor damage, thechronic infection may cause the bone tumor. Recent years once usedHarvey and the Moloney sarcoma virus through experimental study likeFujinaga makes the massive mice bone sarcoma model, F inkel once usesthe different type the isotope and the virus makes the bone sarcomaanimal model, also some people with the radioactive substance likeradium, the strontium and so on made the bone sarcoma animal model.These pathogenesis factors were confirmed by many scholars. The bonetumor arises the age male is 15 ~ 24 years old, the female will be 5 ~14 years old, will be possible and the different sex bone growth andthe endocrine growth sooner or later concerns with the time length.

The osseous system tumor (bone cancer) classifies and its thecharacteristic

Codman has started since 1920 to the skeleton tumor to carry onthe registration and the classification, the various countriesskeleton tumor workers have all established this kind of system, andhas the unceasing improvement. Specially realized to presses thedifferent organization to origin the classification, again presses theheterogeneity classification is the more reasonable one classifiedmethod, hereafter the Ewing bone tumor revision classification, theLieHtenstein bone tumor classification, the Bristol bone tumorregistration office classification, the English London imperial familyorthopedics hospital bone tumor classification, the Japan orthopedicsurgery academic society bone tumor committee's classification has thedifferent improvement, also respectively has the characteristic. In1972 WHO in order to further clarifies the bone tumor theclassification and the research classification question, invited somescholars to carry on the discussion. Its conclusion is the bone tumorclassification is, specially rests on the tumor cell which decidesbased on the histology standard to demonstrate the split up type andits proces the intercellular space matter type carries on. Until nowstill used to be supposed to classify the method.
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