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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 16:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 06:13

In 1987 MR - 144 - d linter, successful development because of its efficient, reliable, high degree of automation, high ChuRongLv, output linter are of good quality and get the domestic and foreign customers consistent high praise, on the basis of it, one after another successful development of MR - 161, MR - 178, MR - 164 - s, MR - 164 - m models, such as MR - 164 - s double linter integrating two, three strip cloth with soft nap, can effectively simplify the strip milling technology, rece line area, rece building and ancillary equipment investment, its an unusually low resial pile rate makes it appeared from the get the favour of customers.

Cotton machine main
Cotton machine is still a company to survive, keep the leading role in the cotton machine market is the key of the company's work.Continuously improve old procts, new proct development actively promote.
1, cotton quality on-line detection control system is a comprehensive proction experiment NongQiShi 125 regiment, made a series of valuable experimental data, the mathematical model to optimize, control program to further perfect, will continue to sample analysis and verify the stability of the system, after the completion of the economic and technical indicators contrast will fully revealed.
Part 2, cotton ginning mill st removal system: new filter high pressure into operation test in 125
3, ginning factory proction process standardization, pipelines, frame as the corps of key support project is running 105, in the future, cotton ginning mill will no longer be making handmade scene, differ in thousands ways, but after the standard chemical plant proction.Plug at the scene of the cotton ginning mill building blocks.

Instrial development:
100% localization, has four main intellectual property by company m3a cotton-picking machine is NongLiuShi harvest the reliability test and verify.
"Service for the SCM scale, circulation modernization" comprehensive reform pilot provide equipment support, as the supply and marketing system is responsibility and mission.

Processing equipment upgrading: flexible CNC machining center, Swiss original laser cutting machine, plasma flame cutting machine, CNC bending machine, professional vertical, horizontal CNC lathes, digital equipment system makes parts processing precision and interchangeability qualitative leap, ensure the machine performance reached the international advanced level.
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