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河狸的资料 英文 带中文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 18:38



热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 07:52


The furry animals in hastily doing the zigzag action, they indirectly pocket the circle, his foot when ck foot plate, on the surface planing. It is picked up suitable size branches and small stones in he built their nests, its front feet like hands, in work flexibly.
This is the beaver, also called the beaver, is rodentia beaver family aquatic mammal. Its fur is very precious. Beaver body husky, ears small, round, short legs, hind feet long and webbed, tail flat, like a canoe paddle, scaly. Beaver body length 1.3 meters, including tail length 0.3 meters, weight more than 27 kg. Beaver have musk glands, secretion liquid of castoreum, can be made into spices. Beaver fur luster, dorsal brown to dark brown, waist side color is more shallow, lower for fine nap, it covered with a shield of kemp.
Beaver small and stocky, probably in the animal world the most intelligent builders. Don't ju, axes, knives, Beaver can bite a tree your hands around not come and trunk. It USES trees to build across the river dam, dam formed under pool is a good place to beaver home. Beaver how to do the hard work? Well, if you can look at beaver mouth inside, you will see a long and sharp premolars. So long and so the sharp teeth of course can bite the tree's trunk. Beaver front tooth not only sharp and strong - they will never wear off, because these teeth has been growing, like beaver life, they maintained a certain length.
Sometimes beaver unexpectedly can bite the tree, the tree fell in the water. But if can't do this, beaver seems to also don't worry. They dig a trench (water path), with their own teeth to the tree into the log, the log floating to the place where it is their DAMS.
Beaver as construction workers, and works very hard. Each beaver are to do. Beaver no time to rest, they all the time in made room! They hurried back to collect or out branches and stone, dig to the mud, and put his own house made strong and safety. The beaver dam with branches, rocks and mud build up. They are branches coated with mud, build up the dome's lair, internal is 1.8 meters tall. After winter soft mud frozen, hunt sex animals can't intrusion his den. The ice in the open has one or more tunnel portal. Beaver also often in the river or lake shore burrowed and r. Food usually includes tender bark and tree bud.
Bryophytes and soft broken bark cause water room warm and comfortable and dry - this is for raising beaver baby to build ideal dwellings.
If you see a beaver, you may be sure that other beaver in side. Because they are in the life, one or more family lives together of one hole. Their building is together, the life also together, safely stay together.
If the beaver mocked the enemy (wildcats and Wolf hounds beaver as food, and people kill them is to get them bright and clean soft fur), it will be like on the surface can do that, try our best to beat its tail. Pa! Beaver know that sound means trouble. They to water peg, into the water, to his house to go swimming.
Each beaver family usually includes a pair of spouses and two nest cubs. Pregnancy 4 months, each proction 2-8 young, usually 4 foal.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 07:52

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