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英语作文 请根据图示写一篇英文日记,记述奶奶生日那天你家所发生的事.

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 18:59



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 06:26

March7 Thursday SunnyToday is my grandma's birthday.She lives with my uncle in a village far away from us.My family decided to visit her.At eight o'clock in the morning,my parents and I went to a shop and bought a big birthday cake.It took us two hours to go there in my father's car.My grandma and uncle were very glad to see us.I shook her by the hand and said,"Happy birthday to you!" She smiled happily.Then we sat down to talk,and we had a wonderful time together.At 5 o'clock in the afternoon we said goodbye to them and went home.I love my grandma.I am going to see her again next month.

Today is my grandmother’s birthday. She is eighty years old now. My families held a big celebration for her. Many relatives come to my home, so my grandmother is very happy. She misses them very much. We ate the big dinner at 5 o’clock. My parents prepare the dinner fo...


my parents and I went to a shop and bought a big birthday cake. It took us two hours to go there in my father's car. My grandma and uncle were very glad to see us. I shook her by the


thursday sunny today is my grandma's birthday.she lives with my uncle in a village far away from us.my family decided to visit her.at eight o'clock in the morning,my parents and i went to a shop and bought a big birthday cake.it took us two hours to go there in my f...


we sang in the restaurant. we are all very happy today, especially my grandma. hope my grandma will live to 100 years.


I love my grandma. I am going to see her again next month. Grandma's Birthday 【参考译文】 今天是奶奶的生日.她和叔叔一起住在离太原不远的一个村子.我们决定去看她. 早晨八点我和爸爸妈妈去商店买了一块生日蛋糕.坐爸爸的车去那里用了两个小时.奶奶和叔叔见到我们很高兴.我握住奶奶的手...


Yesterday was my grandmother`s birthday Yesterday seemed to be an ordinary day for most of the people, but for me, it was the day which I had been long waiting for. It was my grandmother`s birthday. I have always been very grateful to my grandmother because she is an ...


September 22 SUNDAY It's rainy . MM! Bad day for playing outside. But some ideas come to my mind . Maybe it's fun for sharing some works with Mom. So i took the dinner set to Mon for washing, and when she finished her job i dry all the plates . I cut some...


grandmother,i am miss your breast,how do you do?happy birthday to you,are you miss my seed and willy,i love you,i can t arrive your home,so pity,but i sent a e mail to you,are you discover?if you saw the e mail,please call me,maybe,a bit late,i already sent ...


ast Sunday my classmates and I went on a field trip to West Lake. We met at our school gate early in the morning, and set off at 8 o’clock. All of us went there by bike. First we went to the zoo to see the animals. Then we went boating. At lunch time, we took...


writing e-mails to them.My mother went to buy a lot of snacks , fruit and drink.She also said she would do some good cooking for the party. My father went to book a big cake. And my best friends xxx and xxx came and helped me prepare for the party. I can't wait!

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