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美国连续局 迷失 中韩语没有翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 10:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 08:34

英文翻译, 不很重要, 有点搞笑而已
Episode 2 (Pilot part II)

(Michael, Jin, Sun, at the beach)
Michael: Uhh, excuse me. Hey, have you seen my boy?
Sun: I'm sorry. I don't speak English.
I... uhh... I don't speak English.
Jin: Your shirt's unbuttoned. Button it. Now!
Michael: I'm Sorry.

(Later in the episode, Jin and Hurley at the beach)
Jin: This is food. Try some.
Hurley: What's up?
Jin: This is sea urchin. Tastes really good. Go ahead.
Hurley: What? That?
Jin: It'll give you strength if you eat it. Don't worry. It's completely safe to eat.
Hurley: What? Eat that?
Jin: I'm telling you, it's edible. There's enough to go around for everybody. Just try one.
Hurley: Dude, de. I'm starving.
Jin: Yes, that's right.
Hurley: But, I'm nowhere near that hungry. No thank you. No way, no. (laughs)

(Not much later, Jin and Claire at the beach)
Jin: This is sea urchin. Go ahead and try some.
Claire: No, thank you.
Jin: You need to have some especially for the baby.
Claire: No.
Jin: Just try one. Eat.
Claire: Thanks.
Jin: This one. Try that one. Yes.
Not bad, huh? Why don't you try one more?
Claire: (feels the baby)
Jin: What is it? Are you all right?
Claire: I just felt it.
Jin: Are you okay?
Claire: Come here feel this.
Jin: No, no. I don't want to. Please, miss. Don't make me do it.
Claire: (put Jin's hand on her stomach) Do you feel that?
Jin: Whoa. I don't like doing this.
Claire: Right there. There's a kick. There. (giggles)
Jin: No, no. My hand...
Claire: There. Right there is a foot.
Jin: My hand...
Claire: Oh my god, he's moving around.
Jin: Please let go my hand.
Claire: He! He! I guess I think you're a he.

Episode 13 (Hearts and Minds)

(Hurley asks Jin to help him learn to fish, but Jin mumbles something…)
Jin : I don’t play with Amateurs.
Hurley : Dude, you said something nasty didn't you!

(Later in the episode, Hurley and Jin down by the water)
Hurley: Damn it!
Jin: These are my fish so don't eat'em.
Hurley: You know what? Fine. You win, okay? You happy now? Keep your damn fish. I'm outta here. Owwww
Jin: What happened?
Hurley: Stepped on a friggin' urchin. Ahh you understand me?
Jin: Let's move you over there.
Hurley: You understand infection? Gangrene? Amputation? Ahh
Jin: Let's move you over here. Sit over here.
Hurley: Ow you gotta do something for me.
Jin: We've got to pull this out. We have to remove the spine.
Hurley: You have to pee on my foot, man. It'll stop the venom. I saw it on TV and... DUDE! Ahh! Just pee on it, man. You need to pee. Pee on it!
Jin: Hey, what are you doing? No, no, you idiot.
Hurley: Pee on my foot. I'll lose.... Just do it. I'll lose my foot if you don't.
Jin: Peeing won't help. That's what you do when you get stung by a jellyfish.
Jin: NO! NO!
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