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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 08:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 19:44

Sorry, I should have been off yesterday evening, but I had to attend company’s regular meeting; so I went to the company without wearing working uniform. In fact, I was waiting for your call.
吴先生:1月10 号的事情非常感谢你!你不是说昨天晚上打电话给我吗?我等了你的电话,但是我再次打你的电话是关机状态,工作辛苦吧,我看你每天也很累的,要注意身体哦!
Mr. Wu: Thank you so much for matters on Jan. 10th! Didn't you say that you would call me yesterday evening? I had been waiting for your call, but when I call you again, your mobile was power off. Is the work so hard? I have noticed that you are tired every day, take care of yourself!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 19:44

Sorry,I should have been on leave last night!I must have attended the regular meeting which is held by company ,but I go to the company without wearing working uniform.In fact ,I'm waiting for your call.
吴先生:1月10 号的事情非常感谢你!你不是说昨天晚上打电话给我吗?我等了你的电话,但是我再次打你的电话是关机状态,工作辛苦吧,我看你每天也很累的,要注意身体哦!
I feel appreciated for your help at January 10th!Didn't you promise to have called me last night ? I didn't receive it , and it said power off on your cell phone when I called it.You must be very busy every day, mustn't you ? Mind your health !

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 19:45

Sorry , I should have been on leave last night , but I must have attended the meeting held in company , for which I went to the company without the work clothes on . But actually I was waiting for your call at that time .

Hello , Mr Wu , I feel appreciated for your help at January 10th . Didn't you promise to have called me last night ? I didn't receive it , and it said power off on your cell phone when I called it.You must be very busy every day, mustn't you ? Mind your health !


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 19:45

Sorry, I last night was originally the leave of absence.But company's regular meeting I must have to participate, therefore I have not put on the work clothing to go to the company, I am actually am waiting for your telephone.

Mr. Wu: In January 10 matters extremely thank you! You are not said the yesterday evening telephoned for me? I have waited for your telephone, but I make your phone call am once more the close-down condition, the work laborious, I thought you every day also very tired, must pay attention to the body oh!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 19:46

Sorry, I should have been on holiday, however, I must join in the regular meeting. Although I didn't pull on the gaberdine to office, acturely I was waiting for your call.
Mr WU: I was so appreciated for what you did on Jan. 10th!
Did you say that you will call me yesterday night?
I was waiting for your call all the night. However, as I call you back, you phone was power off. How toilsome work!
Pay attention to your body, please!

你好!你的问题是——请帮助我。翻译成英语可以表达为下面这样——Please give me a hand.Please lend me a hand.Would you please help me?Could you please give me some help?Could you please give me a hand?


“请你帮我英语”这是一个请求,表示要求别人帮助自己学习英语。在英语中,这个表达可以翻译为“Could you please help me with my English?”或者“Can you help me learn/improve my English?”这是一个很常用的表达式,可以在求助别人学习英语的时候使用。英语是一种全球通行的语言。它是由英国在...


Sorry,there is no XXL size of colth you have ordered, but XL size is available.We will refund your money provided that you are not in the need of XL size of cloth.


Thank you for your letter.We agree with you. According to your opinion we have our general consideration. If time permitted on Friday afternoonin April 6th, we plan to go to XX school and have the exchange activities of art or sports . We have an English training project in ...


is probably very difficult to operate. Wish your have a pleasant trip! , when do you walk? My last night has been drunk really, good tired. Thanks you! From now on will not want, so long as you helped me to subscribe the room because I am on duty of taking booking ....


very funny A:真的吗?我最喜欢看喜剧片了 really? comedy is my favourite B:那找天一起去看电影啊. we can go to the cinema together if we have time oneday.A:一定 sure B:我要走了,再见 it is time to go ,see you later A:再见 see you 希望能帮到你!


are widely used in the world, next through English, we can be introduced to the world of our country, also can learn from other countries, and then I also think advantages of learning English is very interesting. Finally, I think we must study English hard.参考资料:翻译器 ...


1.那段时间她始终心情沉重。我只能远远地看着,多想为她承担些痛苦却无能为力,也不敢上前打扰,那段时间我也过的很难过。He was always down in the dumps in that period, yet I only could stay in distance and cast concerning sights at him, how I wished I could do something, but ...


this road for three blocks, then turn right, and the hospital is just on your left.2. We have a lot of work to do, so we should make good use of time.3. He went to New York straightly, not staying in Hong Kong.4 .It rains frequently in early summer in this city.


No.1 : my major. my major is English teaching.(虽然我的英语不是很好,这一句个人认为不需要带), Although my English is not good as a professor , i have certain basic English . so , i believe that i can do ithe job very well with my work and your help.No.2 :my ...

请给我这个英语翻译 请给我这个英语怎么翻译 请尽快回复我英语翻译 请用英语说翻译成英文 请说英语英文翻译 英语翻译器在线翻译 百度翻译在线翻译英语 请随便用英语翻译 请英文翻译
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