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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 06:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 08:38

Today is May day.For the first time I went to visit the Great Wall.
Early in the morning,Father,Mohter and I went to the railway station.We got to the Great Wall at about nine.It was warm and fine and there were many people.Among them there were a lot of foreigners.They all looked happy.When we climbed up I was very excited.Father told me the history of the Great Wall.We took a lot of photos on it
After we got home,we were all tired,but Iwas still very excited,I fell proud of the Great Wall and our great country.

I had to admit the three days holiday was really boring.
On Thursday, which was the first day of the holiday,I think I had to done what the "labour day" meant.Guess what? I helped mum to do some housework such as cleaning,washing etc. It was really tired after the whole day's work.I fell on asleep early in the evening.
In the next day, some of friends and me decided to climb XX mountain which is located 29km away from city. We reached there at around 11am after 1h of travelling.It was quite fun at the beginning but soon our interest in climbing had dropped drasticly e to the high temperature. It was ended up with disappointment.
On the last day of the holiday, which was the most boring dau in the holiday. The whole day was spend in front of the comperture,chitchating with friends via MSN or playing online game.
Yes,it is the most boring holiday that I have ever.
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