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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 02:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:07

To whom may concern
Mr.WangXiaohu owns the No.14-24 real estate at XiYi Road, LiShuiXinLian Instry Zone. Those estate had been for lease since January 2006, the monthly income is RMB11382.5 Yuan, the annual income is RMB136590 Yuan. The tax receipt number is 4406059001932.
Hereby to certify the lease contracts are all true.
XinLian Village Committee
6th Augest 2007

资金证明(Capital Certificate)
西一路(No.1 Rd West)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:08

this is to certify that now in my popedom,the properties of 14 to 24 in the no.1 road of xin lian dist. of lishui town belong to wang xiaohu.the rented date if from junuary,2006 and the rent each month is 11382.5 yuan and 136590 yuan for one year.the ratepaying number is 4406059001932.

xinlian villiage commitee
august 6th,2007

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:08

Existing my area, at Lane Township, the new joint instrial zone west road 14-24 of all property belonging to Wang Xiaohu. In January 2006 starting lease, the monthly rental income 11382.5 yuan. the total annual income of 136,590 yuan. The South China Sea water district rent tax code 4406059001932. The lease over the information received.

Hereby prove
The new joint committee
August 6, 2007

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:09

Has in my area of jurisdiction in, is located 水镇 west the newassociation instrial district a group to belong to Wang Xiaohu 14 to24 properties to possess. Gets up in January, 2006 starts to rentdepends on, each month of rent receives 11382.5 Yuan, every year grossincome 136,590 Yuan. South in the sea area the water land tax taxpayment codes 4406059001932. Should rent depending on the person abovethe material is true.
Specially proved
New joint village commission
On August 6, 2007.
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