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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 22:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 11:12

  With the pace of Internet development, computer network technology into all aspects of life, has brought the profound influence to people's life, it greatly improve our way of life. From all aspects influencing and changing our life, bring to our learning and working and living conditions more convenient, our information exchange with the outside world will be more efficient and rapid.
  Small and medium-sized enterprises as an economic entity of social proction, in order to adapt to the development of the network within the enterprise to establish a local area network (LAN) is the inevitable choice of enterprises to the development of informatization, enterprise network system is a very large and complex system, it not only for enterprise modernization, comprehensive information management and office automation and so on a series of applied to provide basic operation platform, and can provide various application service, make the information timely and accurately transmitted to each system, to achieve proction target service enterprise. And small and medium enterprises in the network technology has been applied in the engineering construction important branch local area network technology to the construction and management, therefore this graation design topic will mainly to small and medium-sized local area network construction process may be used various technique and implementation plan for design direction, for the construction of small and medium-sized enterprises to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance.
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