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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 06:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 08:48

Because we must purchase the packing material you need from other suppliers,and the minimum order quantity is 150,000pcs…… If you only order 10,000pcs in first time and won't offer next order any more,who will bear the loss of 140,000pcs left.So our company request customers to offer the deposit of the 150,000pcs of bags.Of course it's just a foregift,we will return it.And the concrete deposit depends on the cost of these bags.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 08:48

Because you want this kind of materials packaging, we must find other vendors to purchase, and generally need is 15 000.If your first single only used 10 000, and you'll never place an order.The rest of the 14 000 to who will bear the loss? ...So companies require the client must be handed in the 15 000 bag deposit, of course just deposit, we will be returned..And specific deposit amount is based on the value of the bag

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 08:49

We have to buy from other suppliers because you need this kind of packing material. Generally speaking, the minimum order quality should be 150 thousand, and if you don't continue to order after the first 10 thousand, who will pay for the loss of the rest 140 thousand? So our company requires customers to pay a deposit of 150 thousand bags' price, and we will return the money as the agreement is reached. We will adjust the amount of deposit according to the value of bags.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 08:49

Because we have to ask other suppliers to provide the packages you want which made by this kind of material, the MOQ is 150,000. If the first order qty of yours is only 10,000 and without further order, who would bear the loss about the remaining 140,000? So the company require the customer deposit the qty of 150,000 packages. And definitely the extra part is just deposit, we would give it back. And the amount of the deposit depends on the price of the packages.

MOQ: 专业术语,Minimum Order Qty, 最小订单量
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