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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 07:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 00:08

The big road is one big confuses the group! Its floor width has 6 feet9 inches, the wall highly has 7 feet 6 inches, along with it but on isseven stones, in each strike stretches out 3 inches, until the crown密合, highly amounts to 28 feet. The big road span amounts to 153feet, the endophragm is grinds the limestone board air-tight jointwith the great shape to become. The big road upwardly extends by 26ascents, also must withstand in its place above million tons weights,this astonishing construction skill and the goal, really areincomprehensible.
The big road terminus connects is in the fable the pharaoh king corpselaying aside "king the tomb chamber". The entrance only 3 English□□6 England □ several 撸 □ any person to enter all must bend thebody. Does not go in 4 England □ to wink □ then has "the fore room",reaches as high as 12 England □ to slot □ Long approximately 10England □ slots □ Crosswise has four longitudinal channels. A threegroup concavely arrives the ground, fourth only digs to the entranceroof highly (3 English □□6 England □□), in the scoop channel alsoinlays has 6 English □ 崭 □9 England □ oneselves to respect thewooden 扌 涡□ military crag flagstone together, keeps off in frontof the entrance, only leaves behind 21 English □ jealous item tooccupy 洹 □ According to the expert explained that, here is thelaying aside prevented the tomb raider invasion the giant flagstone,the flagstone in the scoop channel by on to the drop under, resemblesthe valve to be same, only is present these flagstones all does notsee the trace. Their where has gone?
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