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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 20:33



热心网友 时间:2023-06-21 16:10

The Wolf and the Old Man
Wolf and the old man
In the froest, live an old man. The old man is ver kind. He likes animals and plants very much. So, he always help the animals and plant many trees and flowers.

One day, the old man goes out to pick some apples. He sees a baby wolf. He is very scared. Because he has listen to a story. It is about the farmer. The farmer sees a baby wolf. So, he takes the baby wolf to his home. But when the wolf grow up. The wolf didn't want to help the farmer. The wolf eat the farmer. The old man is scared. But he likes animals. So, he believe he can help the wolf don't be bad. So, the old man takes the baby wolf and go back home.

Now, the old man try to teach the baby wolf. And many things to the wolf. And teach some things that can help the wolf. The wolf has know many things from the old man. And the years go. The old man has dead. The wolf is very, very sad. Because if the old man don't take it to his home. He will be die. But now, it can't cry. He have remember the old man has tell it. Should help the other. So now. He want to goes to help the other.

When the wolf come out. Every one is scared with the wolf. But the wolf should help the other for ever. So, he don't believe it. He just help each other. And now and now. Every one believe it.

This wolf. Is a good wolf.

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