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the girl next door(agu tan)歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 19:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 19:50

The Girl Next Door

by N/A
White girl living in the big city
In a big apartment house
She's living with her boyfriend now
She drives off every day for school and work
She washes dishes now
And watches tv on the pull out couch

But every day's the same x2
And every day's the same x5

White girl moved back to the suburbs
And she finally found a man
Who knows how to take care of her
She bought the perfect little house
And the lawn's well manicured
And she'd never missed a day of work

And every day's the same x7

White girl couldn't go on knowing
She was just here wasting her time
She drowned in the lake last night
They found her bloated body floating
But she still walks around
Performing all her daily chores
She still don't know what life's about
She still don't know what life's about

Cause every day's the same
And every day's the same x6

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 19:51

The Girl Next Door
White girl living in the big city
In a big apartment house
She's living with her boyfriend now
She drives off every day for school and work
She washes dishes now
And watches tv on the pull out couch

But every day's the same
And every day's the same

White girl moved back to the suburbs
And she finally found a man
Who knows how to take care of her
She bought the perfect little house
And the lawn's well manicured
And she'd never missed a day of work

And every day's the same

White girl couldn't go on knowing
She was just here wasting her time
She drowned in the lake last night
They found her bloated body floating
But she still walks around
Performing all her daily chores
She still don't know what life's about
She still don't know what life's about

Cause every day's the same
And every day's the same
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