发布时间:2022-05-12 18:32
时间:2023-07-24 13:51
1).In the Still of the Night
I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.
I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.
I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.
I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more.
2).A Tranquil Night
Abed, I see a silver light,
I wonder if it"s frost aground.
Looking up, I find the moon bright;
Bowing, in homesickness I"m drowned.
3).In the Quiet Night
So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed——
Could there have been a frost already?
Lifting my head to look, I found that it was moonlight.
Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.
4). Night Thoughts
I wake, and moonbeams play around my bed,
Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes;
Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head,
Then lay me down——and thoughts of home arise.
5). On a Quiet Night
I saw the moonlight before my couch,
And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground.
I raised my head and looked out on the mountain noon,
I bowed my head and though of my far-off home.
6). The Moon Shines Everywhere
Seeing the moon before my couch so bright
I thought hoar frost had fallen from the night.
On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes:
Then hide them full of Youth"s sweet memories.
7). Night Thoughts
In front of my bed the moonlight is very bright.
I wonder if that can be frost on the floor?
I list up my head and look at the full noon, the dazzling moon.
I drop my head, and think of the home of old days.
8). Thoughts in a Tranquil Night
Athwart the bed
I watch the moonbeams cast a trail
So bright, so cold, so frail,
That for a space it gleams
Like hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams.
I raise my head, -
The splendid moon I see:
Then droop my head,
And sink to dreams of thee -
My father land , of thee!
9). Nostalgia
A splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost?
I raise my eyes to the moon, the same noon.
As scenes long past come to mind, my eyes fall again on the splash of
时间:2023-07-24 13:51
1)Night Thoughts
I wake and moonbeams play around my bed
Glittering like hoarfroast to my wondering eyes
Upwards the glorious moon I raise my head
Then lay me down and thoughts of home arise
2)Thoughts in a Tranquil Night
Athwart the bed
I watch the moonbeams cast a trail
So Bright, so cold, so frail,
That for a space it gleams
Like hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams.
I raise my head, --
The splendid moon I see:
The droop my head,
And to dreams of thee --
My Fatherland, of thee!
3)A Tranquil Night
Before my bed a frost of light
Is it hoarfrost upon the ground Eyes raised,
I see the moon so bright
Head bent, in homesickness I'm drowned
时间:2023-07-24 13:51
The night of Peaceful thinksThe Lee is white
Ex- clear month in bed light, The Doubt is a ground of last frost. Raise the head hope the clear month, The low head thinks the past country.
时间:2023-07-24 13:52
时间:2023-07-24 13:53
Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.这个版本的译文,朱炳荪先生称赞“英译颇有独到之处,深刻地表达了原作中日夜思乡的惆怅之感,而在层次安排文字运用上更是加深了异乡孤儿对月哀愁之情。”但是小编也有不用见解。其中这个home还是没有更表达出思乡之情;对”床前”译为“on the foot ...
唐诗英译 - 静夜思(宋版,李白)
宋朝版本的静夜思,丛“看”到“疑”,由“望”至“思”,诗人夜静心不静。译文使用英文惯用句 "Lo and Behold!"(原意Look and See),将其拆开,令诗句徒增动感。床,理解为井床。若理解为榻,仅需将第一句well一词改成cot,第二句改成an earthy frost? “举头”的概念,由“rising”一词...
有9种翻译方法:1).In the Still of the Night I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more.2).A Tranquil Night Abed, I see a s...
⑴静夜思:静静的夜里,产生的思绪 。⑵床:今传五种说法。一指井台。已经有学者撰文考证过。中国教育家协会理事程实将考证结果写成论文发表在刊物上,还和好友创作了《诗意图》。二指井栏。从考古发现来看,中国最早的水井是木结构水井。古代井栏有数米高,成方框形围住井口,防止人跌入井内,这方框形既...
1、《静夜思》李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。译文:明亮的月光洒在窗户上,好像地上泛起一层银霜。抬头看天窗外一轮明月,低头思念我远方的家乡。2、《春晓》孟浩然 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。译文:春夜酣睡天亮了也不知道,醒来只听到到处有鸟儿...
就是出自《静夜思》这首诗。 《静夜思》原文 静夜思[1] 作者:唐·李白 明代版本 床⑵前明月光,疑⑶是地上霜。 举头⑷望明月,低头思故乡。[2] 宋代版本 床前看月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望山月,低头思故乡。 《静夜思》注释 ⑴静夜思:静静的夜里,产生的思绪。 ⑵床:今传五种说法。 一指井台。已经有...
《静夜思》作者:李白 【唐代】床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。【直译】明亮的月光洒在床前的窗户纸上,好像地上泛起了一层霜。我禁不住抬起头来,看那天窗外空中的一轮明月,不由得低头沉思,想起远方的家乡。【韵译】皎洁月光洒满床,恰似朦胧一片霜。仰首只见月一轮,低头教...
1、《静夜思》唐代:李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。译文 明亮的月光洒在窗户纸上,好像地上泛起了一层霜。我禁不住抬起头来,看那天窗外空中的一轮明月,不由得低头沉思,想起远方的家乡。2、《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》唐代:李白 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影...