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please help ___ to find ___.

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 15:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 07:12

Please help ( us )to find that wanted man.

Excuse me the man you mentioned is Mr. ABC? If he is hard to ship, please help us to find other people!

请帮我找一个中文翻译 用英语怎么说?

Would you please find a Chinese translater for me?请帮我找一个中文翻译

这个星期天我必须在家做饭的英文是什么。 请帮我找到我的英语书的英文...

Please help me to find my English book.


I am a bird .The forest is my home.we can sing and fly in the forest.But our home is smaller than before.we can't do many things like that.maybe afterwards we are going to homeless.please help us to find a beautiful new home .

...me and a stranger of my QQ, please help me to find out my...

His English is poor, and he just cannot communicate with you. At first, he wanted to invite you to join their term, but he gave up at last. This is not your wrong.

Please help to find the errors.

,it still had… 第四句be动词(am is are)也是动词,后面不能跟动词原形,改为it means,而且要用过去式had 第五句没什么 第六句:还是少主语,改为I went to…with my…,and i ……或者是…,buying…后面的是状语从句 第七句went home 第八句:bath能不能用作动词我不知道了,但我觉得after...


Could you please help me to find that blue shorts?既然是要求别人做某事,那么为了表示你的礼貌,说话时的语气应当要委‘婉一些 “Could you please +v...”这是一个固定搭配,意为“请你做...好吗?”

help sb to do sth

please help me to find his old photos please help me find his old photos Please help me to figure out my income tax.Would you please help me carry this baggage?都可以,to可要可不要

Please help her finds her bike “find”要不要加s

应该是help her to find her bike help sb. to do sth.,这个是help的一个固定用法,表示帮助某人做某事,to表目的。


help sb to-v, help sb to/-v help后充当宾语补足语的动词不定式可带to,也可不带to,一般情况下区别不大。如果主语和宾语一起参与动词不定式所表示的活动,常可省去to; 如果不是,则常保留。试比较以下两个句子的含义: 请帮我找个座位。 Please help me find a seat. (是两人一起去找) Please help me...

please help to please help him please help us help you please please tell me pleasehelpme什么意思 come here please please help me please officer
狗狗吃饭为什么夹尾巴 平顶山公交几路到华延四季城 为什么狗狗夹紧尾巴 从新城区到光明路华延四季城怎么走 狗害怕时尾巴如何 您好,请问支原体感染。克拉霉素管用吗? 肺支原体阳性怎么治 为什么狗狗紧张自己的尾巴 狗狗害怕为什么夹尾巴 怎么上传文件创建下载地址 资本公积能不能添补股东未认缴的注册资金? ipad1升级到5.1.1后越狱,安装PP助手下载软件安装都失败,为什么? please help yourself to some fish是什么意思? Please help his dad。帮助是动词,为什么help后用his而不用him? 北京兴盛租车电动车电话号码? PLEASE HELP ! 英语介词后能接句子么 ? 14.Please help ___(you) to some apples 北京有没有租车公司出租电动汽车? please help her find her eraser为什么find不是三单? Please help ___ to some fish, girl please help new cargo in storage这句话有语病吗? 2022年北京还有哪些分时租车运营 Please help!!! pleasehelp Please help __ 卫生间旁边的房间墙纸发霉怎么办 淘宝退款已显示退款成功钱没到账是为什么 为什么淘宝显示退款成功没有到帐 淘宝显示退款成功但未到账怎么办 酒店墙壁发霉了怎么处理 please help please IPAD air2越狱后安装搜苹果,所有的应用都提示安装出错是怎么回事 资本公积转增注册资本,必须进行评估吗 无偿划转股权增加的资本公积可以转增注册资本金吗的会计处理 Please help 英文翻译 please help 非常容易的英文翻译~please help 用资本公积转增资本金 英语问题,please help me! Please help me! Please help me_____English. A.speaking B.tolearning C.with speak D.learn 请教资本公积转增注册资本的税务问题 please help me 1.Please help ___(you) to some fish,children 公司收入怎么才能转成注册资金 AABB式的四字成语有哪些 aabb四字成语大全 aabb的四字词语有哪些? 百度aabb的成语大全? AABB型四字词语,成语