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冬银 女孩的名字,如何起英文名,解释一下英文名称含义,谢谢!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 16:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 00:36


Donnie - Meaning of the name

Meaning of the name Donnie

[ 2 syll. don-nie, do-nn-ie ] The girl name Donnie is also used as a boy name, with the latter form being far more popular. It is pronounced DAANiy †. Donnie has its origins in the Italian language and it is used largely in English.

Donnie is a form of the English Doni.

Donnie is also a pet form (English) of the English and Scottish Donna.

Donnie is rare as a baby girl name. In 1900, 0.017% of baby girls were named Donnie. It had a ranking of #460 then. The baby name has substantially slipped in popularity since then, and is currently used only on an infrequent scale. Out of all girl names in its family, Donnie was nevertheless the most popular in 2009. Although Donnie is today more frequently used for boys, there was a period prior to 1926 when more girls were given the name. After 1927, increasingly the name became more popular with boys than with girls. There were 16 times more boys than girls who were named Donnie in 1954.

Baby names that sound like Donnie include the name Danaye, the English Dani, the English Donni, the English Donny, the English Daina, the Italian and Spanish Dama, the English Damey, the English Dami, the English Damie, the English, Czech, German, Polish, Romanian, and Slavic Dana, the English Danae, the English Danaë, the name Danah, the name Danai, the name Danay, the English Danee, the English Daneen, the Hebrew, Scandinavian, and German Dania, the English Danie, and the English Danna.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 00:37


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 00:37

Doing 和名字音接近

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 00:38

Daniel 丹妮尔

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 00:38

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