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求陈奕迅 红玫瑰 的英文版歌词~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 15:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:13

红玫瑰(《白玫瑰》国语版)-陈奕迅(Eason Chan)




dreamed about an unwaked dream,Red under house arrest in the red line


All the stimuli left the pain of fatigue.,No more indifference


When you hug you from behind,Looking forward to her face


I don't quite understand the mockery.,I want you to understand.


Whether happiness is too light or too heavy,Overuse without itching or pain


maturity and rubicundity is full of eyes,Finally,the tunneling has a beginning and an end.


Not get forever in the commotion,the favored have no fear


Rose's Dream of Red Vulnerability,Hold in hand but lose in fingertip seam


fall through again,Red is the heart of cinnabar mole


Red is mosquito blood mediocrity,Time beautifies the only throb


It also smoothed the excitement.,When you hug you from behind


Looking forward to her face,It's really ironic.


I don't know much,I just want you to know.,Whether happiness is too light or too heavy


Overuse without itching or pain,maturity and rubicundity is full of eyes


Finally,the tunneling has a beginning and an end.,Not get forever in the commotion


the favored have no fear,Rose's Dream of Red Vulnerability


Hold in hand but lose in fingertip seam,fall through again


Is it true that love is too heavy?,Overuse without itching or pain


Burning a red snake in the heart,Eventually the freezing has a beginning and an end.


Not get forever in the commotion,the favored have no fear


Rose's Dream of Red Vulnerability,Hold in hand but lose in fingertip seam


Not get forever in the commotion,the favored have no fear


The Dream of Rose's Red Wound Blooming,Hold in hand but lose in fingertip seam


Failure again





热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:13

梦里梦到醒不来的梦(dreamed about an unwaked dream)
浮现你被软禁的红(your house-arrested red emerged)
所有刺激剩下疲乏的痛在无动于衷 (all the stimulations are gone, left the exausted pain, wander at nothing)
从背后抱你的时候 期待的却是她的面容(when I clasp you from your back, what I expected is her face)
说来实在嘲讽 我不太懂偏渴望你懂(it's actually sneering, I don't understand, but expect you do)
是否幸福轻得太沉重(whether happiness is too slim to hold )
过度使用不痒不痛(consume it without feeling itchy and aching)

烂熟透红空洞了的瞳孔(maturity and rubicundity is full of eyes)
终于掏空终于有始无终(hollow out in the end with a start but without an end)
得不到的永远在*动(the unavailable will reverberate in the heart)
被偏爱的都有恃无恐(the favored have no fear)
玫瑰的红容易受伤的梦(the red of a rose, the vulnerable dream)
握在手中流失于指缝(hold it in my hand, but escape through fingers )
又落空(fall through again)

红是朱砂痣烙印心口(the red is vermilion mole stigmatized in the heart)

红是蚊子血般平庸(the red is as vulgar as mosquitoes' blood)
时间美化那仅有的激动 也磨平激动(time beautify the only excitement and rubdown it)
从背后抱你的时候 期待的却是她的面容(when I clasp you from your back, what I expected is her face)
说来实在嘲讽 我不太懂偏渴望你懂(it's actually sneering, I don't understand, but expect you do)是否幸福轻得太沉重(whether happiness is too slim to hold )
过度使用不痒不痛(consume it without feeling itchy and aching)

烂熟透红空洞了的瞳孔(maturity and rubicundity is full of eyes)
终于掏空终于有始无终(hollow out in the end with a start but without an end)
得不到的永远在*动(the unavailable will reverberate in the heart)
被偏爱的都有恃无恐(the favored have no fear)
玫瑰的红容易受伤的梦(the red of a rose, the vulnerable dream)
握在手中流失于指缝(hold it in my hand, but escape through fingers )
又落空(fall through again)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:14

有英文版的?追问就是找不到啊~ 求供啊~



被偏爱的都有恃无恐(the favored have no fear)玫瑰的红容易受伤的梦(the red of a rose, the vulnerable dream)握在手中流失于指缝(hold it in my hand, but escape through fingers )又落空(fall through again)红是朱砂痣烙印心口(the red is vermilion mole stigmatized in the heart)红...

谁能帮我把陈奕迅的《红玫瑰》歌词 给翻译成英语的呀?

I dreamed of not come of a dream 浮现你被软禁的红 Recall your red under house arrest 所有刺激剩下疲乏的痛在无动于衷 All stimulate weary pain in the remaining indifferent 从背后抱你的时候期待的却是她的面容 From behind to embrace you is her face 说来是太嘲讽我不太懂片刻望你懂...

求 英语翻译大神 翻译一下 陈奕迅《红玫瑰》里的一句歌词:“得不到的...

Not forever in the commotion, by the preference of all secure to rely on"

求陈奕迅 红玫瑰 的英文版歌词~

Not get forever in the commotion,the favored have no fear 玫瑰的红容易受伤的梦,握在手中却流失于指缝 Rose's Dream of Red Vulnerability,Hold in hand but lose in fingertip seam 又落空,红是朱砂痣烙印心口 fall through again,Red is the heart of cinnabar mole 红是蚊子血般平庸,...


貌似【红玫瑰】没有英文版 下面是翻译成的英文:I dreamed of not come of a dream Recall your red under house arrest All stimulate weary pain in the remaining indifferent From behind to embrace you is her face Speaking is too taunt I don't quite understand what you understand. ...


梦里梦到醒不来的梦 浮现你被软禁的红 所有刺激剩下疲乏的痛 在无动于衷 从背后抱你的时候 期待的却是她的面容 说来是太嘲讽 我不太懂片刻望你懂 是否幸福牵你太沉重 我的虚荣不痒不痛 玫瑰的红空洞了的瞳孔 终于掏空终于有始无终 得不到的永远在骚动 被偏爱的都有恃无恐 玫瑰的红容易受伤...




红玫瑰 陈奕迅 梦里梦到醒不来的梦 浮现你被软禁的红 所有刺激剩下疲乏的痛 在无动于衷 从背后抱你的时候 期待的却是她的面容 说来是太嘲讽 我不太懂 片刻望你懂 是否幸福牵你太沉重 我的虚荣不痒不痛 玫瑰的红空洞了的瞳孔 终于掏空 终于有始无终 得不到的永远在骚动 被偏爱的 都有恃无...


红玫瑰 演唱:陈奕迅 梦里梦到醒不来的梦 红线里被软禁的红 所有刺激剩下疲乏的痛 再无动于衷 从背后抱你的时候 期待的却是她的面容 说来实在嘲讽 我不太懂 偏渴望你懂 是否幸福轻得太沉重 过度使用不痒不痛 烂熟透红空洞了的瞳孔 终于掏空 终于有始无终 得不到的永远在骚动 被偏爱的 都有...


陈奕迅 《红玫瑰》梦里梦到醒不来的梦 红线里被软禁的红 所有刺激剩下疲乏的痛 再无动于衷 从背后抱你的时候 期待的却是她的面容 说来实在嘲讽 我不太懂 偏渴望你懂 是否幸福轻得太沉重 过度使用不痒不痛 烂熟透红 空洞了的瞳孔 终于掏空 终于有始无终 得不到的永远在骚动 被偏爱的 都有恃...

陈奕迅红玫瑰歌词 红玫瑰 歌词 十年歌词陈奕迅 红玫瑰歌曲 白玫瑰歌词 陈奕迅歌曲 陈奕迅 k歌之王歌词 好久不见陈奕迅
五羊本田摩托车125c太费油 拖泥带水,束手无策,是什么生肖? 北汽幻速S7两年车都有哪些费用? 新北汽幻速s7这款车后期的维护大致要多少钱?花费大吗? 新学期的打算250字作文。。。急急 一般冷暴力的话有什么? 逻辑学怎么造句 想知道: 松原市 从长岭县到集体乡胜利村怎么坐公交 孕期不同阶段进行自然胎教的方法 香港路•浅水湾配套信息 蕾哈娜歌曲怪兽歌词 请高手帮我翻译英文<IRONIC>的歌词 Ironic (Live) 歌词 Jordis Unga的《Ironic》 歌词 Alanis Morissette的《Ironic》 歌词 噪音污染应找哪个部门投诉 考过了中级会计师 下一步该怎么走? 起诉离婚,非要请律师吗? 起诉离婚要请律师吗 半年过中级会计算厉害吗 离婚诉讼是否必须聘请律师 谁有耐克(NIKE)专卖店都会贴的 那张詹姆斯双手张开 抛镁粉那张广告图片 离婚打官司要请律师吗 离婚诉讼必须聘请律师吗 努比亚手机图库里照片删除了怎么找回来? 求一张图片,斗破苍穹漫画萧炎小时候保护熏儿,就是萧炎双手张开~熏儿躲在他身后的那张,是小时候的。不 求一张非主流的双手的图片 求moumoon的一张图片,是这样的那女的双手张开做的飞翔的动作,那男的在旁边站着拿着吉他! 双手是什么样子的 双手,房子,双目,有山的图片,猜一个成语 请问这首歌词的中文是......? Phina的《Ironic》 歌词 买卖房屋协议 谁能给我说the monster 中文歌词 什么级别的领导需要交警保卫 Eminem 的The Monster有没有翻译过来的中文歌词 军队中副师级别大校有警卫员和秘书吗 忘记密码了怎么打开 微信里的小程序爱山东怎么删除 窈窕是什么意思? 窕可作量词吗? 窈窕淑女中窈窕是什么意思? 窈窕的意思是什么? 窈窕在文言文中的意思 如何实名认证不要银行卡? 上海哪儿开内眼角和眼尾比较好呀 上海九院开内眼角 上海开眼角那家好? 上海哪里开内眼角好 我想去上海第九人民医院开内眼角,想问一下大家