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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 17:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 06:05



关于Sonoran Desert:
1) The desert is in bloom this time of year, a short two week period when flowers and birds abound. Cacti that were bare and spiny with sharp needles have green leaves and add color to an otherwise barren scene. Barrel cacti are sporting lovely pink flowers and roses, which are not indigenous to the area, are in bloom. The green bushy plants also have red or pink flowers this time of year. The one in my yard is home to a large number of bees providing an audible buzzing each time I enter the house through the front door. The hummingbirds are back from their winter respite in Mexico, zipping around the bird feeder sounding like three inch long remote controlled model airplanes, their wings beating as fast as 15 beats each second.

2) The sunlight of the Sonoran desert changes ring the day and it gets hotter. Seasonal temperatures range from an average of 52º F in the winter, to 86º F in the summer. In some seasons the temperatures can reach 32º F at night. In some portions of the desert, near the tip of Mexico, the temperature can reach a high of 134º F in the shade.

The Sonoran desert is one of the wettest deserts in North America and averages from 3 to 16 inches of rain a year. It has two rainy seasons, one in the summer and another in the winter. The summer rains are short and heavy and are often followed by a rainbow. The winter rains are longer and lighter and are more widespread.

There are a lot of sand nes and grasses in the desert. There are also a lot of cacti, herbs, thorny and thornless shrubs. The creosote bush is the most common plant, and the saguaro cactus is the largest and the most conspicuous plant in the desert.

Many desert animals, such as bighorn sheep, pocket mouse, and pronghorn antelope (an endangered species) use cacti and other vegetation as a shelter from harsh weather and as a source of water. The bighorn sheep has adapted to the desert, because it has big feet, good for the rough terrain, and only needs to drink every few days. The pocket mouse has adapted to the desert, because it is very small, is sand colored, and can run fast from predators. It also doesn't need to drink because it gets all the water it needs from the food it eats and retains its urine.

The latitude of the Sonoran Desert ranges from 25º to 33º North, and the longitude ranges from 105º to 110º West.

The Köppen classification of this climate is BWh, where B stands for a dry climate, BW stands for an arid climate with annual precipitation usually less than 15 inches (40 cm.), and h stands for a dry and hot climate with a average annual temperature over 65° F.

Even though the Sonoran desert is one of the hottest North American deserts, it has lots of diverse vegetation and wildlife e to its two rainy seasons.

3) The climate of the Sonoran Desert Region has long been used in promotional literature to attract new residents to southern Arizona. Before evaporative coolers and the invention of air conditioners summer heat discouraged the in-migration of permanent residents to some extent. Today, however, with much of the region having sunshine for up to 310 days per year (Dunbier 1968), climate continues to be a magnet to people seeking escape from cold, gray, humid, or snowy winters.

Largely surrounded by mountain ranges, the Sonoran Desert has a continental climate with great variability of both diurnal and seasonal temperatures (a subtropical continental similar to that of northern India according to Ellsworth Huntington (McGinnies 1981). These temperatures change with both elevation and latitude (IMADES), decreasing as one goes up in elevation or north in latitude. The continental effect is slightly modified around the Sea of Cortez. Air temperatures may vary from 32 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit and ground level temperatures as much as 100 degrees within 24 hours. Seasonal temperatures can range from below freezing in the northern portions of the region to a recorded high of 134 degrees in the shade at San Luis, Sonora in August, 1933 (Dunbier 1968).

The rainfall pattern is bimodal with a rainy season in both summer and winter. Average rainfall ranges from three to fifteen inches per year (Ingram 2000) with a general pattern of increasing precipitation as one moves eastward (Dunbier, 1968). Rainfall figures will vary depending on where one draws the region's boundaries. The pattern of rainfall is highly variable and include rainfall from tropical storms such as the one that led to severe flooding in 1983, rain that never reaches the ground, generally gentle rains of winter and the afternoon thunderstorms of late summer (Ingram 2000).

貌似那里的主流就是Sonoran Mexican food,以下是别人说的:
Mexico is made up of states and the state that borders Arizona to the south is the state of Sonora. And, e to proximity, the vast majority of Mexican restaurants in Arizona serve Sonoran style Mexican food. Tell tale Sonoran food includes pinto beans cooked down with lard and salt and refried, burritos made from flour tortillas, and the standards found on many a menu; tacos, enchiladas, tamales etc. It has been described by many as comfort food. It is a rare day that you will leave a Sonoran style restaurant hungry - expect a generous use of cheese and red and green chili sauces.

Sonoran style food comes from Sonora Mexico, which is a state in Mexico. Homestyle hardshell tacos, done Sonoran style are fried in the shell...the meat is sometimes shredded, but more often (like my mother and abuelita did it) made into a hamburger like patti which is spiced with salt, pepper, garlic...ect...and the tacos are served with watever condiments you prefer...usually cheese, lettuce, cilatro and salsa...

Soft tacos are done typically with corn tortillas, flour tortillas are also used and seem to be prefered by the tourists for some reason. Soft tacos are filled with a great variety of meats including but not limited to carne asade (usually marinaded in a citrus mixture), pollo asado (also marinaded), pescado (fish), tripas or tripitas (beef milk cts), cabeza (tender muscular flesh taken from the head of the cow), carne pastor (pork slow cooked with pineaple gyro style and cut into thin slices)....ect...

There is really no comparison between what you get in a typical Mexican-American restaraunt and the kind of food you might get in real Sonoran towns like Nogales or Puerto Penasco.

Chimichangas served Sonoran style are typically pan fried, not deep fried like their American counter parts and almost everything served "Sonoran style" is served with mayonaise...

There are a thousand different recipes unique to Sonora...or at least there are unique variations of other Mexican dishes. Sonoran style backyard mezcal is called bacanora.

3)Grand Canyon...


It's no wonder why the Grand Canyon is one of the world's seven (7) wonders. If you have seen it, you know just why this creation is known to so many people.

The known history of the Grand Canyon area goes back 10,500 years when there was the first evidence that humans existed in the area.

Native Americans have been living there now the G. C. National Park for at least the last 4,000 of those years. The Anasazis, and the Puebleoans, and the Cohoninas, all became settlers within the walls of the Canyon.

In the latter part of the 13th century, drought forced two Native American cultures who once lived there, to move out of the area. Other cultures later arrived to the area, such as the Paiutes, Cerbat, and the Navajo tribes, who were later forced onto reservations by the United States Government.

It was the Spanish explorer, Garcia Lopez de Cardenas who was actually a part of the Francisco Vasquez de Coronado's expedition team, who was the first European to see this monument. Lopez de Cardenas and his team were actually searching for gold when he came upon what is now considered the Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon was formed by the Colorado River flowing west through the Canyon and averages 300 feet (91 meters) wide and an average of 100 feet deep (30 meters). It flows an average of 4 miles per hour (6.4 km) and sees about 5 million visitors every year.

This natural wonder resides in the Grand Canyon National Park, which is one of the very first national parks that came to be here in the United States. Former President Theodore Roosevelt, loved to visit here to both hunt and enjoy the beautiful scenery. It was also Roosevelt who advocated that should be named a national park.
The least most popular way to experience the Grand Canyon, (perhaps the most exciting to many.....) is to go rafting or take a boat tour through it.来自:求助得到的回答
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