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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 11:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 02:02

第一段写:Our Community 

可根据自己居住的小区画图并描述,如:The community can be entered only through the west gate if you are driving, and cars can exit through the south gate. There is a central playground in the community, where residents could go and exercise in the morning, in the evening or on weekends. For people with dogs, the lawn in the east of the community is wide enough for them to walk the dogs and train them.......

第二段写:(一个亲戚或朋友)My Cousin

可根据自己的亲人或朋友: I grow up with my cousin and she would come to our apartment for weekend sometime. My cousin is a very cute girl but she has a sweet tooth, that's why she's almost overweight and always on diet. Though, she's still attractive with her typical Chinese beauty look--big and dark eyes with long lashes; glistening  skin and nice black long hair;  small nose and rosy lips.  She likes pink color and she looks so pretty in her pink dress. 


可根据自己所去过的地方写: It was my first time travel to Xi'an, an ancient capital city of China. Many people know it because of the famous Terracotta Warriors, but I was rather attracted by the food and old buildings there. I don't usually eat spicy food, however the Xi'an rice noodles and Chinese hamburgers are so good that I started to eat a lot of spicy food. The mutton soup in Xi'an was very tasty and we had it as breakfast along with steamed bread. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is also a nice place for visit, which holds the biggest music fountain in Asia. The fountain looks extraordinary ring night with the music and lights on.......

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