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翻译整篇文章 不要在线翻译 经济全球化

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 07:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 04:53

With the economic globalization refers to the continuous development of social proctive forces, other countries and economic areas, including proction, circulation and consumption in areas such as interconnected, interdependent and mutually infiltration in the past because of those ethnic, national, regional and other factors caused by Impede the declining world economy has increasingly become an organic whole.

Economic globalization should include the following:

--- Globalization of proction. For example, U.S. proction of Boeing Boeing passenger aircraft, the necessary parts and components 4,500,000, from 6 countries of the 1,500 large enterprises and 15,000 small and medium enterprises. Boeing completed the design of technology is the key parts and components proction and assembly of the final proct only. According to statistics, currently the world, 40% of procts manufactured by multinational companies.

--- Globalization of trade. The world market to enable the formation of the national market integration, and greatly promoted the development of global trade. The scope of international trade continued to expand, increasing the capacity of the world market, countries in the world market is also dependent on increasing.

--- Financial globalization. The world's financial lifeline more closely linked with the international market. The rapid expansion of multinational banks, global computer network, so that the huge amount of capital around the world and the huge financial derivatives on a global scale flow.

--- Investment globalization. International capital flows invest in the continued expansion of the scale. Developed in 1995 the total foreign investment reached 2,660,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, is 130 times in 1945. One-way flow of capital from the development of two-way, the output of capital in the past only developed countries, developing countries are now exporting capital, including the developed countries to export.

--- Increasing regional economic cooperation. Regional economic organizations around the world, such as the European Union, the North American Free Trade Area, and so on. Many regional groups have realized the goods, capital, services and the free flow of the region can make a reasonable allocation of resources, and optimize the combination of resources and achieve economies of scale and increase economic efficiency.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 04:53

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