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两人英文对话关于最喜欢的电影的 两分钟左右

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 21:57



热心网友 时间:2022-07-12 01:06



Scarlett:[25:57.37]Ashley! Ashley!
Who are you hiding from in here?
What are you up to?
Well, why aren't you upstairs resting with the other girls?
What is this, Scarlett? A secret?
Scarlett:[26:28.93]Oh, Ashley, Ashley...
I love you.
Scarlett:[26:34.54]I love you, I do!
Ashley:[[26:38.41]Well, isn't it enough that you've gathered every other man's heart today?
You've always had mine. You cut your teeth on it.
Scarlett:[26:44.61]Oh, don't tease me now.
Have I your heart, my darling? I love you, I love you.
Ashley:[26:49.19]You mustn't say such things. You'll hate me for hearing them.
Scarlett:[26:52.92]Oh, I could never hate you, and I know you must care about me.
Oh, you do care, don't you?
Ashley:[27:00.86]Yes... I care.
Oh, can't we go away and forget we ever said these things?
Scarlett:[27:09.84]But how can we do that?
Don't you want to marry me?
Ashley:[27:14.21]I'm going to marry Melanie.
Scarlett:[27:15.88]But you can't. Not if you care for me.
Ashley:[27:18.41]Oh, my dear, why must you make me say things that will hurt you?
How can I make you understand?
You're so young and unthinking.
You don't know what marriage means.
Scarlett:[27:28.39]I know I love you and I want to be your wife.
You don't love Melanie.
Ashley:[27:32.56]She's like me, Scarlett.
She's part of my blood and we understand each other.
Scarlett:[27:37.47]But you love me.
Ashley:[27:39.57]How could I helping loving you?
You have all the passion for life that I lack.
But that kind of love isn't enough for a successful marriage...for two people as different as we are.
Scarlett:[27:48.68]Well, why don't you say it, you coward? You're afraid to marry me.
下面这句要一口气快速读完,像放机关*一样You'd rather live with that silly little fool who can't open her mouth except to say "yes" "no" and raise a house of mealy-mouthed brats just like her.
Ashley:[27:58.25]You mustn't say such things about Melanie.
Scarlett:[28:00.09]Who are you to tell me I mustn't?
You led me on, you made me believe you wanted to marry me.
Ashley:[28:04.36]Now, Scarlett, be fair. I never, at any time...
Scarlett:[28:06.76]You did, it's true you did! I'll hate you till I die!
I can't think of anything bad enough to call you. 啪一个耳光打在阿希礼脸上。

热心网友 时间:2022-07-12 01:06

1: do you like watching film?
2: yes,what about you ?
1:me too, what kind of movie do you like best?
2: romance
1:so what is your favorite movie?
2:titanic, have you seen it?
1: no,i haven't
2;it's really a pity.
2;yeah, it is really very moving.
1: what does it tell about?
2; a man and a lady fell in love in a voyage. unfortunately, the ship hit an iceburg and sunk, the man saved the lady,but he wasn't able to survive in the cold water. Anyway,you'd better see it.
1:OK, I will download it from the Internet.
求篇二人英语对话。时间三分钟。题目:“谈谈你们最爱的英文电影,讨论你 ...

A:Do you like watching movies?B:Sure!I love movies!A:So I guess that the reason why you are so good at English.B:Well,maybe.Via watching those movies,especially the Hollywood products,can help us comprehending with English better.A:Yeah,you bet.So what's your favorite movie?

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-hi what are you doing -I just finish a movie -oh, what kond of movie you prefer to watch?-Action. Like Movies starring by Jackie Chan -Yeah they are the greatest Kungfu star not only in CHina but also in the internationnal.What makes you like action movie?-there is a ...


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1.Do you know there is a very popular movie?2. Really? You know I am very interested in watching movie, what is it?3. Assembly!!! Last week, I watched it, Fantastic!!4. Oh, I know it. I watched it too 2 weeks ago. I was touched by it and dropped some tears.5....

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it,it is said that the film combine the humor and education perfectly.On the other hand I like Smith no matter what he have done.B Yes.His performance far beyond the other actor.He is raised really by his own strength.A I couldn't agree you more.Thanks for your advise.

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