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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 01:16



热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 12:47




(1) 剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓


(1) 1. A description of the characteristics of a RACF�defined entity.
对一个由资源访问控制程序(RACF)定义的实体的特性所作的描述。 2. In NCCF, a record that describes the control available to a particular network operator. The profile describes the operator′s span of control, the name of the device to be used as a hard�copy device, whether the operator is authorized, and optionally, the name of a command or command list that is executed immediately after logon is successfully completed. | 在网络通信控制程序(NCCF)中,描述可供某个特定网络操作员(或程序)利用的控制功能的一种记录。 它说明操作员的控制范围、用作硬拷贝设备的设备名、操作员是否经过批准,并可选择地说明 在注册完成(即进入系统)后立即执行的命令或命令表的名字。参阅authorized operator。 3. In DPPX, a data area that describes the characteristics of certain DPPX resources such as data sets, programs, and catalogs. | 在分布式处理程序设计执行程序(DPPX)中,一种描述某些DPPX资源,如数据集、程序和目录等的特征的数据区。 4. A term sometimes used when discussing the characteristics that distinguish different entities or systems. | 指某种术语,常常在讨论区别不同实体或系统的特征时使用。 5. A set of subject terms that indicates the subject interests of an information system user. | 一组主题词,提出信息系统用户感兴趣的主题。 6. Data that describes the significant characteristics of a user, a group of users, or one or more computer resources. | 描述一个用户、一组用户或一至多个计算机资源重要特征的数据。 7. In computer security, a description of the characteristics of an entity to which access is controlled. | 在计算机安全学中,一种对存取受到控制的实体的特征的描述。 8. In word processing, a file that is used to control the formatting of one or more documents. | 在字(词)处理技术中,用来控制一个或多个文件格式化的一种文件。 9. The characteristics of an SNA (Systems Network Architecture) session. Each session observes two Profiles: a transmission system (TS) Profile, concerned primarily with transmission control and recovery management, and a function mana gement (FM) Profile, concerned primarily with data�flow control and the manner in which data is presented to the receiving NAU (network addressable unit). See also transmission subsystem. | 系统网络体系结构(SNA)话路的特性,每种话路遵守两个 协议子集:一个是基本上与传送控制和恢复管理有关的传送系统(TS)协议子集;另一个则 是基本上与数据流控制以及向接收端NAU(网络可寻址单元)提交数据的方式有关的功能 〔操作〕管理(FM)协议子集。参阅group profile, user profile。


(1) 侧面像; 侧面; 侧影
(2) 外形, 轮廓
(3) 传略, 人物简介; 剪影; (人物)素描
(4) (建筑物的)横断面(图), 纵剖面(图)
(5) [美] 个人能力[特征]测验图
draw in profile
soil profile
a profile of the new prime minister


(1) 画...的轮廓[侧面像]
(2) 对... 做扼要描写; 写...的传略
(3) 【机】铣出... 的轮廓
(4) (斗牛士)将左肩转向牛


(1) 侧面图制作者; 侧面像画家


high profile
(1) 鲜明的姿态
low profile
(1) 低姿态, 不出头露面, 不惹人注意


ability profile
(1) 个人能力[特征]图解
acceleration profile
(1) 加速度分布图
active profile
(1) 有效[作用]齿廓
airborne profile
(1) 【测】航空剖面
airfoil profile
(1) 翼型, 翼剖面
amino acid profile
(1) 氨基酸剖析图(蛋白质的氨基酸组成)
arch profile
(1) 拱圈轮廓
back profile
(1) 后侧面肖像(后脑在前, 脸的大部分被额和颊挡住)
balanced profile
(1) 平衡纵断面
ballast profile
(1) 碴床断面
basic rack tooth profile
(1) 基准齿条齿廓
beach profile
(1) 【地质】岸滩剖面
beam profile
(1) 束[梁]剖面图
bell-shaped pH profiles
(1) 钟形 pH 廓图
blade profile
(1) 叶片轮廓, 叶片剖面
blast furnace profile
(1) 高炉内型[炉型]
boundary layer velocity profile
(1) 边界层速度剖面
cam profile
(1) 凸轮轮廓
circular arc profile
(1) 圆弧叶型
composition profiles
(1) 组成[成分]分布
concave profile
(1) (叶片)内弧形面
concavo-convex profile
(1) 凸凹形断面
concentration profile
(1) 浓度剖视图, 浓度分布曲线
condensed profile
(1) 纵断面缩面
conjugate tooth profiles
(1) (齿轮的)共轭齿面[齿形]
constructed profile
(1) 示意剖面图
convex profile
(1) (叶片)背弧型面
countdown profile
(1) 操作[发射]程序表
cross-sectional profile
(1) 横断面图
curved profile
(1) 内凹轮廓, 曲线轮廓
curve profile
(1) 曲线型式
cusped profile
(1) 尖头翼
detailed profile
(1) 详细纵断面图
die profile
(1) 拉模孔型
double profile
(1) 重复断面(即河川横断面两个以上阶段为二重断面)
down-time profile
(1) 停泊时间表
ct velocity profile
(1) 管内流速分布图
economic profile
(1) 经济侧面
energy profile
(1) 能线图
environmental profile
(1) 环境概貌
equilibrium profile
(1) 【地质】平衡剖面
extruded profile
(1) 挤制叶型
face profile
(1) 平面轮廓
flame profile
(1) 火焰形状
flank profile
(1) 齿廓, 齿形
flat profile
(1) 平坦曲线
flat velocity profile
(1) 平均速度分布图
flavour profile
(1) 香味剖析[分析]
flight profile
(1) 飞行剖面图, 飞行轨迹
fluid-velocity profile
(1) 液体流速分布图
flute profile
(1) 槽形
foam profile
(1) 泡沫分布型(指泡高-温度曲线或泡高-洗涤时间曲线)
frontal profile
(1) 【气】锋区剖面
gear profile
(1) 齿形
geological profile
(1) 地质纵断图
grade profile
(1) 坡度纵剖面
graded profile
(1) 【地质】均衡[均夷]剖面
gradient profile
(1) (驼峰调车区)坡度纵断面
high-level profile
(1) 高标高断面
horizontal profile
(1) 水平断面[剖面]
hump profile
(1) 驼峰纵断面
hydraulic profile
(1) 水力纵剖面
impurity profile
(1) 杂质分布图
inboard profile
(1) 【船】纵剖面(图)
instrial profile
(1) 产业概况
involute profile
(1) 渐开线齿形
irregular profile
(1) 不规则外形, 不规则纵断面
line profile
(1) 线路纵断面,【天物】谱线轮廓
log log profile
(1) 对数的对数形纵剖面
logarithmic profile of velocity
(1) 对数速度剖面图[分布图];【气】风速对数廓线
longitudinal profile
(1) 纵剖面(图)
low-drag profile
(1) 低阻叶型
magnetic profile
(1) 【地物】磁剖面图
major profile
(1) 主要剖面
market profile
(1) 市场概况
master profile
(1) 标准剖面图
measured profile
(1) 实测纵断面
melting profile
(1) 解链曲线图形
narrowline profile
(1) 窄谱线轮廓
natural profile
(1) 平均坡度
organic profile
(1) 有机物外形[外观]
outboard profile
(1) 船舶侧视图
permeability profile
(1) 渗透率剖面
personality profile
(1) 个性特征图解
pollen profile
(1) 花粉剖面
progress profile
(1) 进度纵断面图
radar-altimeter profile
(1) 雷达高程仪纵断面图
radial profile
(1) 辐射状剖面
rail profile
(1) 钢轨断面
rectangular profile
(1) 矩形侧断面(指河川横断面)
reference profile
(1) 基准齿廓
resistivity profile
(1) 电阻率分布
roll profile
(1) 轧辊辊型
route profile
(1) 管子线路的外形(或纵切面图)
route profile of the line
(1) 线路纵断面
sag profile
(1) 凹形纵断面
scale profile
(1) 按比例尺的纵断[剖]面图
screw-thread profile
(1) 螺纹牙形
serrate(d) profile
(1) 锯齿形断面
simplified profile
(1) 简明纵断面图
soil profile
(1) 土壤剖面
split-altitude profile
(1) 【航空】不连续高度剖面图
standard basic rack tooth profile
(1) 原始齿形
station stop profile
(1) 车站停车断面图
stratigraphic(al) profile
(1) 地层纵断面
stream profile
(1) 河流纵剖面
surface profile
(1) 表面轮廓
symmetrical profile
(1) 对称剖面
temperature profile
(1) 温度曲线图, 温度轮廓
time profile
(1) 时间表
tooth profile
(1) 齿廓, 齿形
topographic profile
(1) 地形剖面
transversal profile
(1) 横断面
truncated soil profile
(1) 切余土壤剖面; 土壤剥蚀剖面
underground railway station profile
(1) 地铁车站纵断面
velocity profile
(1) 速度剖面(图), 速度分布图, 速度变化图
virtual profile
(1) 虚纵断面
wall profile
(1) 壁面轮廓
wave profile
(1) 波形
web profile
(1) 全幅均匀度; 全幅质量
wing profile
(1) 【航空】翼型
zonal wind-speed profile
(1) 【气】纬向风速廓线
profile of ground surface
(1) 地面纵断 面


(1) 侧面像
(2) 简介;个性及生平的简要描述

热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 12:47

经历岁月之久 (用来形容人的成熟魅力)

热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 12:48


热心网友 时间:2023-08-17 12:48


and a function mana gement (FM) Profile, concerned primarily with data�flow control and the manner in which data is presented to the receiving NAU (network addressable unit). See

Commercial General Liability

商业综合责任险(Commercial General Liability, CGL)是我们聚保华泰保险为众多企业客户提供的核心保障之一。它旨在覆盖企业在日常运营中可能因意外事故、疏忽或过失导致的第三方人身伤害、财产损失而面临的法律责任及赔偿费用。无论是客户来访时的意外滑倒,还是产品缺陷导致的损害,CGL都能为企业提供必要的财务支持,帮助企业平稳度过法律纠纷,保障其持续稳健运营。网络安全保险Cyber Insurance,拥有丰富的承保经验和专业的服务团队,全面覆盖,企业因网络安全事故造成的营业损失和第三方赔偿责任.保险国际信用评级A,出口产品责任保险,为您提供全球网络服务.是工伤险的完美补充承保律师,会计师,工程设计,海外...


2.轮廓,外形;外观;形象 3.纵断面(图),剖面(图)4.数据图表,量变曲线 5.【美】传略,人物简介;概况[(+of)]a television profile of Ernest Hemingway 一段欧内斯特·海明威的电视简介 及物动词 vt.1.给...画侧面像;给...作剖面图 2.描(或显)出...的轮廓 The old trees were profiled aga...


n.[C]侧面(像),侧影 轮廓,外形;外观;形象 纵断面(图),剖面(图)数据图表,量变曲线 【美】传略,人物简介;概况[(+of)]a television profile of Ernest Hemingway 一段欧内斯特·海明威的电视简介 vt.给...画侧面像;给...作剖面图 描(或显)出...的轮廓 The old trees were profiled against ...

profile 意思

1. 侧面(像),侧影 2. 轮廓,外形;外观;形象 3. 纵断面(图),剖面(图)4. 数据图表,量变曲线 5. 【美】传略,人物简介;概况[(+of)]a television profile of Ernest Hemingway 一段欧内斯特·海明威的电视简介 vt.1. 给...画侧面像;给...作剖面图 2. 描(或显)出...的轮廓 The old tree...



哈利波特7中 关于斯内普的记忆

was fascinated by the legend of the Deathly Hallows and wanted to explore the place where Ignotus Peverell had died and was buried. During his stay in Godric's Hollow, Gellert became very close with then 18-year-old Albus Dumbledore, and drew the latter into his plans for world domination...


2003 year on March 5 VS pedestrian: The kopeck NBA professionalprofession always scores points surpasses for 10,000 minute, becomesthe NBA history to reach higher authorities to this high youngestplayer, this day, his 24 years old 193 days. 2003 year on March 28 VS rare talent: The kopeck ...


When he was one-year-old, the most evil wizard in hundreds of years attempted to kill him. He killed Harry's parents, and then he tried to kill Harry - he tried to curse him.… Harry has to find out, before we find out. And - so - but for some mysterious reason, the curse ...


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user profile service 出问题!

4)查找 C:\Users\Old_Username 文件夹,其中 C 是 Windows 安装的驱动器,Old_Username 是您要从中复制文件的配置文件的名称。5)选择此文件夹下的所有文件和文件夹,其中不包括以下文件:Ntuser.dat ,Ntuser.dat.log,Ntuser.ini 。6)“ALT”“编辑”“复制”。7)查找 C:\Users\New_Username...

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