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写一篇Helping others的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 23:54



热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 18:52

Helping others:

We all live in the same society. More or less, we get help from others, our parents, relatives, teachers, friends even strangers.

In return, we should give others a hand when they are in need. We should transmit this kind of love. As long as everyone can contribute a piece of love, the world will become a paradise. As for our indivials, helping others would bring us happiness and a sense of achievements. We would be happy to see that we are capable of helping others.

In addition, helping others is helping ourselves, to some extent. One of the most beautiful compensations in life is that after helping others in good faith, we get help ourselves at the same time. I think“rose presented, smell remained”is the best description to help others.





热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 18:53

Everyone needs helps and everyone can help others.
For example.If one day,your classmate is on te.maybe you could help him to clean up the classroom.You may ask me why i help him?It doesn't have any good ways for me.You are wrong.
When you are on te,but you have to go home,then what you are going to do?I think you could ask your classmate for help.They may glad to help you.Because you have helped him,so they will helpyou too.
You help him toclean up the classroom also can make the classroom gets bright and clear.It can makes you and your classmates feel well in the classroom,so you will get good grades.
So you see helping others is helping oursevles!
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